Sometimes it can be difficult to hold onto hope and your faith in humanity can waver. Fortunately, many quotes about hope will help you restore your faith and help you see the good in the world.
Even when things are not going well and you cannot see the good things right away, remember that they are there somewhere. There are always good and loving people in the world, and there are always beautiful things and experiences.
As you progress, you may need reminders to stay hopeful. These quotes about hope will remind you and help you restore your faith in humanity.
Fifteen quotes about hope
With hope and faith, you can make a big difference in the world. You can pave the way for change, helping to make the world a better place. When things seem to get out of hand, remember that you can make a difference, as long as you are hopeful. Read these fifteen quotes about hope during those challenging days.
1. “Hope is like a road in the field; there was never a path, but when many people walk along it, the path emerges ”. – Lin Yutang
When one person has hope, it will also lead others to hope. Over time, that hope will become a reality, as more and more people join. Keep hoping that you can help pave the way for the change you want to see.
2. “Just as despair can only come from other human beings, hope can also be given to one only by other human beings.” – Ellie Wiesel
In a way, hope is contagious. It is transmitted from one person to another, just like despair. Instead of losing hope and spreading despair to others, keep hope and spread hope to others. This is the only way to see positive change.
3. “Most of the great things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept trying when there seemed to be no hope.” – Dale Carnegie
Just when you feel like losing hope, big things can happen. You will never know unless you keep hoping and trying to make things better. If bad things keep happening, be hopeful and remember that that means big things are coming soon.
4. “We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.” – Martin Luther King Jr..
Disappointing things happen to everyone, and sometimes the world around you will seem out of control. Life can never be perfect all the time, so disappointment is inevitable. Even so, you must remain hopeful, as Dr. King described in this quote.
5. “You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not get dirty. “- Mahatma Gandhi
Just because there are some bad people in the world does not mean that the whole world is bad. It is still beautiful, and there is still something good everywhere. Keep hopeful and remember that there are good people out there.
You can’t lose faith over a bunch of bad people. Remember that there are people who have good habits and that together they can make a difference.
6. “I don’t think about all the misery, but about the beauty that still remains.” – Anna Frank
Even in the hardest times when people seem scariest, there is beauty in the world. Instead of concentrating on the bad things, focus on any part of the beauty you can find. This will help restore your faith in humanity.
7. “Hope is important because it can make the present moment less difficult to bear. If we believe that tomorrow will be better, today we can bear the difficulties ”. Thich Nhat Hanh
Without hope, life would be unbearable. There would be no reason to continue, and no reason to try anything. Don’t let your life lose meaning when you lose hope, because you will be so much happier if you can find it.
8. “Hope is a renewable option: if you run out of it at the end of the day, you can start over in the morning.” – Barbara Kingsolver
Hope can never be completely exhausted, as long as you remain open to experiencing it. Every time you wake up in the morning, you have a new chance for hope. If you give it a chance every day, you can restore your faith and find good in the world.
9. “It is not necessary to know precisely what is happening or exactly where everything is going. What you need is to recognize the possibilities and challenges that the present moment offers and embrace them with courage, faith and hope ”. – Thomas Merton
Life is unpredictable, and no matter how much you prepare, things may not go according to plan. Still, you have to hope that everything will work out. Embrace the unknown and be brave as you go through life.
10. “Hope is the companion of power and the mother of success; because whoever has so much hope has within them the gift of miracles. “- Samuel smiles
Without hope, you will have no power and little success. Only with hope can you achieve great things, because that’s where the gifts of life come from.
11. “The best way not to feel hopeless is to get up and do something. Don’t wait for good things to happen to you. If you go out and make some good things happen, you will fill the world with hope, you will fill with hope “. Barack Obama
Don’t sit idly by while you lose hope, letting life go by without you trying to change. The only way to restore hope And faith is staying active and keep working toward your goals. You will not find the good in the world if you are not looking for it.
12. “There is something good in this world and it is worth fighting for.” – JRR Tolkien
No matter what happened, there are good people and good things in the world. If you don’t find anything good, then you need to change your environment. Start looking for the good and then use it to fight for the change you want to see.
13. “What is true for the individual will be true tomorrow for the entire nation if individuals refuse to lose heart and hope.” – Mahatma Gandhi
Your thoughts and wishes for the world can only come true if you keep hope. How Gandhi He explains, one person’s hope can change an entire nation. Be hopeful and spread that hope to others so that there is a greater possibility of positivity in the world.
14. “You are not here simply to make a living. You are here to allow the world to live more widely, with a greater vision, in a better spirit of hope and achievement. You are here to enrich the world and become poorer if you forget the message. “- Woodrow Wilson
Life is more than going to work and earning a salary. You were born to change the world and offer your knowledge, hopes and spirits. Be hopeful and keep working to make a change, no matter how small, so that you feel satisfied.
15. “Hoping for bad times is not just silly romantic. It is based on the fact that the history of humanity is a history not only of cruelty, but also of compassion, sacrifice, courage and kindness. What we choose to emphasize in this complex story will determine our lives. If we only see the worst, it destroys our ability to do something. “- Howard Zinn
While you may feel foolish for holding onto hope when it seems like all hope is gone, you should still hold onto that hope. The reason hope remains so important is that history has shown that there is always something good in the world. Even in the most tragic moments, compassion, sacrifice, courage and kindness have been present.
Final thoughts on these quotes about hope will restore your faith in humanity
Having hope is important to living a full and happy life. Without hope, he could not achieve anything or make a change in the world around him. I couldn’t hope for anything or dream of a better future.
With hope, however, anything is possible, as these quotes about hope explain. Even when there seems to be no hope left and there seems to be nothing good left in the world, you have to keep holding on. Be hopeful, because that hope will help pave the way for change.
As these quotes on hope detail, the more hope there is in the world, the greater the chance for change. Do your part and keep the hope so you can spread that hope to others. Only then will you see a change in the world.
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