Did you know that mental health professionals say anxiety is spiraling out of control in this country? This mental health problem is like an uninvited guest who shows up when you least expect it and lingers too long. The discomfort of this mental health disorder affects you, your family members, and your friends, but very few have anxiety management skills.
No one is immune from its devious claw, and it doesn’t matter if they have millions in the bank or if they live from paycheck to paycheck. Some experts have come to call it a non-contagious cognitive plague and, according to American Anxiety and Depression Association, more than 40 million people are suffering.
Understand anxiety
Unless you have experienced anxiety firsthand, you may not know how debilitating this condition is. The term is vague as it covers a lot of ground in the psychological sphere. One person may get nervous before an exam, while another can no longer drive on the road because their anxiety is at unbearable levels.
Having some distress is completely normal and only becomes a problem when reasonable worries become irrational. A little problem that would not normally make you blink becomes catastrophic when it comes to anxiety.
Anxiety is also divided into many subcategories, such as:
• Panic disorder
• Post-traumatic stress disorder
• Phobias
• OCD or obsessive compulsive disorder
• GAD or generalized anxiety disorder
When a person has generalized anxiety, they are diagnosed with GAD. People with this condition will feel anxious most days and struggle to find something to relax them. GAD affects about 3.1 percent of the population, or about 6.8 million people, according to the American Anxiety and Depression Association.
Twelve tips for managing anxiety
As you can see from these alarming statistics, anxiety is a major problem and the chances of you encountering it are high. So the best thing you can do is learn management tips to manage these feelings of distress.
You don’t have to let anxiety keep you from living the life you deserve. Here are some of the best coping skills to help you nip this ugly beast in the bud.
1. EFT tapping
EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Techniques and is becoming more popular as a way to control anxiety. According to the National Library of Medicine, numerous studies have been conducted to prove its efficacy. The concept is simple in the sense that it touches your pressure points to trigger an immune response. They are the same principles that are used in acupuncture, but there are no needles involved.
2. Meditation
Meditation is a great way to relax and learn to calm your body and mind. This ancient art is classified as one of the mental dexterity exercises that teaches you to send negativity from your body and allow positive energy to flow. There are many guided meditations online that can help you clear your brain and can ease the distress you feel.
The best part about meditation is that you can do it anytime or anywhere you feel your anxiety levels rise.
3. Rhythmic breathing
Your sympathetic nervous system becomes involved when you are stressed. He tells his body that there is danger around him and that he will go into “fight or flight” mode. During this period, the body begins to release powerful stress hormones that make your heart race, make you feel dizzy, and cause you to breathe fast.
The key is to use breathing exercises to make your parasympathetic nervous system respond. The goal is to inhale through your nose, hold your breath for a few seconds, and then release it through your mouth. You will be amazed at how much better you will feel when you learn to participate in this anxiety management technique.
4. Exercise regularly
If you want to combat stress, you must learn to exercise. When you exercise, you release endorphins that improve your mood and make you feel better. Plus, it automatically reduces your body’s stress response.
Exercise It is one of the best ways to control anxiety, yet few realize how powerful it is for the health of your mind and body.
5. Reduce caffeine intake
Caffeine it is a stimulant that has a pharmacological effect on the body. Did you know that one of the best anxiety management tips is to eliminate coffee and soda from your diet? Since simulators increase your heart rate, it stands to reason that someone with anxiety and panic doesn’t need anything to get into their heart.
Additionally, caffeine can cause jitters like anxiety, so it’s best to opt for caffeine-free drinks.
6. Diary
When you can’t verbally express how you feel, write it all down. Journaling is a powerful way to get out of all the emotional turmoil you feel inside. If you record your anxiety triggers, then you can learn anxiety management techniques to prevent them next time.
For example, if you tend to get nervous after lunch, what are you eating that can trigger your distress? You should see patterns emerge that can identify the things that bother you and find ways to counteract these triggers.
7. Laugh often
When was the last time you had a good laugh? You can laugh at a meme on social media or smile at something funny someone says at work, but when was the last time you laughed until your side hurt?
Laughter is like good medicine for the soul, and when you have a deep laugh, you are releasing powerful feel-good endorphins that will combat your anxiety.
8. Practice mindfulness
Practicing mindfulness it’s a great habit that can help you stay connected and present in the moment. It is a beautiful way to combat negative thoughts and can be used to relieve symptoms of anxiety and depression. Based on Buddhist philosophy, mindfulness can help you let go of anxious thoughts and live in the moment.
A the study was carried out on college students to see if this ancient practice could help them with their heartbreak and boost their self-esteem. The results were amazing.
9. Hug
Is there any better advice for managing anxiety than embracing it? Hugs are a great way to relieve stress and make yourself feel better. When you connect with another person in a hug, your body automatically releases oxytocin and lowers cortisol levels, keeping anxiety under control.
So the next time you feel like you’re about to burst, find someone to cuddle with and see how things make things better.
10. Try yoga
Yoga is a practice that allows you to unite body and mind. The gentle movements of this ancient art help you increase body and respiratory awareness, reducing stress levels. Since there are all levels and styles of this exercise, it is acceptable for anyone of any age or body type.
11. Use natural supplements
There is something extraordinary about the herbal supplements that nature provides. There are many supplements on the market that can be used in addition to other anxiety management techniques. The most common are lemon balm, ashwagandha, green tea, valerian, kava kava, and lavender.
12. Spend more time outdoors
the the sun is healing, and many people are indoors because of technological advances. Did you know that vitamin D deficiency can cause feelings of anxiety, among other problems? SAD or seasonal affective disorder is a common problem in winter because people don’t get enough sunlight.
Spending just 20 minutes a day in the sun can have a significant impact on your vitamin D level, as well as your overall mood. the New England Journal of Medicine claims that there are approximately one million people in this country who are deficient in this essential vitamin, could that be the real problem behind much of the anxiety problems in this nation?
Final thoughts on managing anxiety
Anxiety is essential as it is part of an internal system that warns you of danger. However, when you are inundated with stress hormones for the simplest reasons, it can affect your quality of life. While varying degrees of anxiety are everywhere, the good news is that it is one of the most treatable mental illnesses.
By incorporating some anxiety management techniques into your day, you can learn to stop these feelings before you start. Anxiety is also known as the big suitor because it will make you feel and think about things that are not true. If you have anxiety, know that you are not alone.
The key is to find the effective technique or herbal supplements that work best for you. You can put this problem on the sidewalk and regain control of your mind-body-spirit.