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12 Behaviors Perfectly Explain Why Life is Good for Optimists


Are you usually more pessimistic or optimistic? A pessimistic person tends to negativity and is always looking for the sky to fall. Optimists have a completely different perspective and tend to believe that life is good no matter what happens.

It doesn’t matter if your car broke down on the way to work, you were fired, or your spouse left you; They choose find the positives in the most uncertain circumstances. The differences in attitude between these two temperaments are day and night.

Life is good, but it is what you do. If you tend to go around feeling sorry for yourself all the time, then you will have a miserable existence. However, if you choose to embrace the storms that life throws at you and dance in the rain, then your life will be different.

Ten reasons life is good for optimists

Time and circumstances happen to everyone, but what counts is what you do during these times. For every action, there is a reaction, and controlling your response is a big part of living a peaceful life. Here are twelve reasons why the optimist lives a much better life than the pessimist.

1. They have many friends

When you choose your friends, you try to choose the ones that make you feel good and that you like to have fun with. Nobody wants to be around someone who is constantly depressed, crying or complaining chronically. Friends help each other because life is hard, but every moment is worth it.

Consequently, the optimist has no trouble making friends, as people are drawn to his contagious personalities.

2. Success comes naturally

If you look at some of the great optimists throughout history, these are the people who could see a bright future even though they failed time and time again. Sir Winston Churchill was considered a great motivator.

When the British people were losing during WWII, he knew that if he could motivate them to have a positive mindset, they could defeat the enemy. Using the strategy of an optimist, he used hope for Britain’s future to motivate them. He was considered one of the greatest optimists in history.

Success seems to come naturally to a positive person because they will never give up on their dreams.

3. They refuse to let life get them down.

Life can be crippling at times, and there are many cases where the most positive people want to throw in the towel. However, optimists believe that life is good and will not let circumstances discourage them. They learn to let things slip away.

4. Are focused on solutions

When problems come to the life of the optimist, they are not caught up in all the drama and negatives. Instead, they focus on how to fix things. By staying positive, you can accomplish much more than having a pity party.

5. They are not afraid of failure

The difference in the optimist is that they are not afraid to fail sometimes. They know that failure teaches you great lessons and they embrace the downfalls so they can learn and grow. It is not that they want to fail, but they know that life is full of blows and they are not going to cry about it.

6. They are great communicators

In general, a positive person tends to be a great communicator. They are masters at taking off what is on their chest and, by doing this, they do not let things get infected from the inside. They speak in peace and do not harbor hard feelings.

Communication is the key to problem solving, where you tend to excel.

7. They are future-oriented thinkers

It’s easy to get caught up in all the little things in life that can bring you down. The optimist tends to look at the big picture rather than focus on the problems of the day. Does a high electric bill carry enough weight to ruin your life in the grand scheme of things?

Getting bills that are over your budget can be a painful blow, but it won’t cause you prolonged pain. Looking at the big pictures helps put things in perspective and keep you from falling apart on every little issue.

8. They are easily motivated

These people are easily motivated and generally don’t require someone to tell them what to do. The optimist is often a born leader and is often seen in many managerial positions. Their lucid thinking process and ability to solve problems makes them useful in motivating others.

9. Their behaviors are infectious

People look at the positive person and want to be like them. He’s the guy who has a jump in his stride and hums a song while working. Their lighthearted nature radiates from them, and others can’t help but feel compelled to smile.

If you could bet on people who work with optimists, you will likely hear that they are personable, funny, and always make you feel better.

10. They learn to live in the moment

Living the moment it is a powerful tool that has recently become commonplace. When you live for the here and now, you don’t worry about tomorrow’s problems. Humans are hardwired to worry and it’s just part of their nature.

However, when you live in the moment, you can dispel some of those fears. Melanie Greenberg is a writer and clinical psychologist from California. His recent writing delves into how your brain is automatically wired to worry. The title of your book “The stress-proof brain”It has instantly become a best seller.

In his studies, he found that 85 percent of the things that worry him will never happen. That lump that magically appeared under your skin can paralyze you with fear of cancer. However, when it disappears in a few days, he realizes that it was just a swollen lymph node.

Do you think about all the things that have worried you today, this week or even this year? Now, check how many of those things come true. While your numbers may not be as high as those in your study, you will find that most of the things that you worry about will never happen. It’s just a waste of time, and the optimist uses mindful techniques to avoid unnecessary worry.

11. They know how to let things go.

Letting things go your way is easier said than done. Having an optimistic outlook doesn’t mean you never get discouraged; it means that you will not allow yourself to stay down. The optimist has learned not to deform too much for nothing.

12. They are flexible

Flexible people have less stress in their life. They have learned to deal with hitting and don’t get too upset when things don’t go according to plan. They understand that there will be times when life throws those curveballs that you have to handle, but this person has become the master of the fit.

Since life is good and most things in it, even when things don’t go their way, they don’t get too stressed out.

Seven easy ways to be more optimistic

If you tend to be more pessimistic, you can alter your thinking to change your entire life. Here are ten classic ways you can learn be more positive. It will make you a better person and it will be easier to be around.

  1. It would be best to use positive affirmations each morning to start your day off on the right foot.
  2. Don’t complain chronically about all the things that are so wrong in your life. You don’t need negativity, and those around you don’t want to hear your complaints either.
  3. When you have a difficult day, record all your feelings outside. This method allows you to dispel all negativity and prevents you from keeping it inside yourself.
  4. Practice meditation to get rid of the negativity of the day. Meditation is a powerful tool that can help you focus and relax. Being optimistic does not mean that you will never have bad days or stress. However, it does mean that you know how to handle them effectively and mediation is the key.
  5. Practice using aromatherapy to calm yourself. Aromatherapy has been used for centuries to help calm people. Lavender is one of the best herbs to de-stress and help you relax.
  6. Learn to be present in the moment. Stop thinking about all your past mistakes and future worries. When you learn to hug and enjoy every moment of your day, your life will change in a positive way.
  7. Spend a lot of time in nature. Walk barefoot in the sun to help ground yourself. It’s hard to stay negative and moody when you have the warm golden rays and the feeling of earth between your toes.

Final thoughts on why life is good for optimists

Life is good, but life is what you make it. You have a choice every day when you get out of bed. You can use positive affirmation to make it a good day, or you can get sucked into all the trouble that comes your way. So learn to let things slide for you and accept the blessings that each moment brings.



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