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10 Ways to Reduce Dandruff Many People Forget.


Dandruff is a scalp condition that causes itchy, white flakes on the scalp. It’s very widespread, so don’t be embarrassed. Better yet, it’s manageable – once you know how to reduce dandruff, you’re on your way to regaining your confidence.

In fact, the Journal of Clinical Research Dermatology estimates that about half of the adult population in the United States has dandruff. Besides trying dandruff shampoos, you might be wondering what else you could do.

Look no further. Here are 10 tips to get rid of dandruff, which most people overlook.

Six main types of dandruff

These are the six types of dandruff. Knowing which one you have can help you solve this problem faster.

1 – Dry skin dandruff

Dry scalp can be caused by cold weather in winter. Most often, it appears in people who already have dry scalps. If you have curly hair, you are more likely to have a dry scalp than other hair types.

2 – Dandruff from oily scalp

If your body produces a lot of oil, you are susceptible to dandruff. Oil overproduction often occurs in puberty, during times of stress, pregnancy, or not shampooing regularly.

3 – Fungal dandruff

Fungal dandruff is an infection of the scalp caused by a fungus called the Malassezia globosa fungus. It spreads easily when the pH balance is not right or if the scalp is extremely oily. It is a contagious infection that can spread if you share your comb, hat, or towels with someone.

4 – Product accumulation

If you abuse conditioners, gels, serums, hairspray or mousse, it can cause a build-up on your scalp that causes dandruff.

5 – Seborrheic dermatitis

This condition is an inflammatory condition that affects your skin where you have many glands like the scalp, behind the ears, eyebrows, and neck. Doctors believed to be a reaction to the yeast found on your skin. Hormonal changes and stress trigger this type of dandruff. This condition is closely related to eczema.

6 – Psoriasis

Psoriasis dandruff is a skin condition that occurs when the immune system attacks healthy skin tissue such as that found on the scalp. This causes new skin cells to grow and the dead skin flakes to shed. If you have this condition, silver-looking rashes will appear on your scalp, neck, behind your knees, and on your back.

Ten useful tips to reduce dandruff

Trying to reduce dandruff can seem like a full-time job. You may have tried all kinds of shampoos and treatments. These helpful home remedies may be the answer you’ve been looking for all along.

1 – tea tree oil

Studies found that tea tree oil has antifungal properties that can kill yeast and fungi. Using a shampoo with at least 5% tea tree oil can reduce dandruff

2 – Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar Eliminate certain types of scales. It is an antifungal that slows the growth of conditions such as candida. It also balances the pH levels in the skin, which inhibits the growth of fungi that can cause some scalp conditions. Add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to your shampoo.

3 – baking soda

Baking soda helps relieve dandruff by exfoliating the white flakes on the scalp. In one study, researchers tested people’s scalp conditions using baking soda and stopped fungal growth in 79% of the dandruff type tested. Baking soda can also provide relief for those with psoriasis by relieving itching and irritation. A word of caution about baking soda, as it is alkaline, it can damage your hair if you treat your scalp too often.

Too many treatments will also dry out your skin, which can make the situation worse. So try the baking soda once, then wait to see how it works. If it seems to alleviate the symptoms of dandruff, use it again, but in moderation.

4 – coconut oil

Your dandruff may be due to dry scalp. Try applying coconut oil to your scalp once a week for eight weeks to see if it helps reduce dandruff symptoms.

5 – Aloe vera

Although no research proves that aloe vera removes dandruff, it appears to minimize it. Topical aloe vera can help skin conditions like psoriasis. It has antibacterial properties that could help fight dandruff. Further, researchers suggest that its antimicrobial abilities may help those with alopecia.

6 – Lemongrass oil

Using a 10% concentration of lemongrass essential oil in your shampoo can help treat the shampoo. The researchers found that after seven days, many study participants showed improvement.

7 – Omega-3s

Eating a diet rich in omega 3 helps improve your skin and scalp. Omega 3s can help by doing the following:

  • Control your body’s oil production
  • Regulate your inflammation
  • Increase your hydration
  • Reduce the signs of aging

Foods rich in omega 3 include:

  • Mackerel
  • Tuna
  • Sardines
  • Salmon
  • Walnuts
  • Flax seeds
  • chia seeds
  • Soy
  • Canola oil
  • tofu
  • Canola oil

8 – Zinc

Add zinc supplements to your daily regimen to boost your immune system and stimulate cell growth for healthy skin. Zinc deficiencies cause hair loss, skin lesions, and can contribute to dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis. Most over-the-counter dandruff shampoos contain zinc, as it also stops fungal growth.

9 – aspirin

Aspirin has salicylic acid, which is found in most dandruff shampoos. Part of the success of aspirin is linked to its exfoliating ability and reduces fat. You can crush a couple of powdered aspirin tablets and mix it with your shampoo. Apply the shampoo mixture to your hair and let it sit for a few minutes, then rinse.

10 – Eucalyptus oil

Eucalyptus oil has anti-inflammatory properties that can fight seborrheic dermatitis. In addition, eucalyptus has antiseptic-type antifungal and antibacterial capabilities, which help fight bacterial dermatitis. You can add some eucalyptus oil, coconut oil, or jojoba oil and rub it on your scalp.

Learn how castor oil can help promote healthier hair.

And your scalp?

It’s easy to focus on dandruff without considering the importance of a healthy scalp. How can you take care of your scalp to make it healthier and less prone to flaking? Here are some tips for keeping your scalp healthy.

1 – Exfoliate your scalp

Exfoliating your scalp speeds up the cell removal process. Exfoliate a few times a week to remove dead skin from your scalp. Doing it more often can dry out your scalp. Try using a mild exfoliating shampoo to get the job done. Always use a soft hairbrush to brush your hair and scalp daily. This stimulates and releases the oils to release moisture from the scalp and hair.

2 – Keep humidity in

Dry skin on your scalp itches and burns. Take good care of your scalp. Be careful not to use water that is too hot when you shower. This dries out the scalp and hair. Do not over-dry your hair as this affects your scalp and dries it out.

3 – Try a scalp massage

Many people with a dry scalp rely on a scalp massage. Receiving a scalp massage stimulates blood flow to your scalp, in addition to stimulating the flow of oxygen. You can massage your scalp when you are in the shower by simply using your fingers to make gentle circular motions over your head. Ask your hairdresser if you want a professional scalp massage.

4 – Limit dyes and heat styling devices

Chemicals affect your scalp. Coloring, straightening or curling irritates the scalp and can dry it out. Always ask a professional to perform your treatments to avoid damaging your hair and scalp. Homemade products contain harsh chemicals and, if used incorrectly, could cause severe irritation to the scalp.

What else can you do to reduce dandruff?

Sometimes you have tried everything, but nothing works. Here are some suggestions on what to do.

Find the cause of your dandruff.

If you are battling dandruff and haven’t found a solution, you may want to keep track of your diet, stress, and environmental changes. Write down everything you eat for a month. Be aware of the triggers that appear. Knowing what is causing your dandruff can help you know how to get some relief.

Do not give up

Keep trying the suggested remedies, and if nothing works, you may need to see a dermatologist. They will run tests to determine exactly the cause. Your dermatologist may prescribe a cream or lotion to help reduce itching and irritation on your scalp. You may be given a salicylic acid treatment to help exfoliate the skin on your scalp.

New dandruff trend

For those who love weird trends, there is a new dandruff trend that may catch your eye. It’s called dandruff scraping. If you have a strong stomach combined with the urge to see dandruff all over the place, you will love this video at Youtube showing people removing dandruff from the scalp with a comb. Some have compared this trend to seeing breakouts of pimples. Thanks for sharing. So watch this video at your own risk and try not to resist the urge to itch while watching.

Final thoughts on your battle to reduce dandruff

You may feel like dandruff is ruining your life. Hopefully one of these remedies can help reduce dandruff so you can get back to living your life carefree. Don’t forget to add zinc and omega 3 to your diet. These two are often a simple way to improve dandruff. If nothing seems to work, try to find the root cause of your dandruff, don’t give up. It may be time to see a dermatologist who can perform tests.


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