10 Symptoms of Caffeine Withdrawal (and How to Stop It)


Did you know that caffeine is a drug used just like many dangerous stimulant medications? It’s shocking to dive into the science behind this substance on what it can do to your body, which is why you experience withdrawal when you stop using it. However, you can get addicted to this “drug” by drinking soda, coffee, chocolate, or even ice cream.

According to Coffee and Health, caffeine is an alkaloid substance that is found in more than 60 plants naturally. The most recognized plants with this substance are coffee beans and tea leaves, but it is also found in things like guarana berries and kola nuts.

Drinking just one cup of Joe contains an average of 75-100 mg of caffeine. Now, what if you have a giant cup of Java to start in the morning? the Mayo Clinic states that you can safely consume around 400 milligrams of caffeine a day. However, if you consume large amounts, it can cause all kinds of problems in your body, similar to a drug overdose. Here are the most common signs of caffeine overdose:


• Heart palpitations

• Headaches


• vomiting



• Feeling faint

• Anxiety or nervousness

•Difficulty breathing

• Death (extreme cases)

Caffeine withdrawal symptoms

It is easy to see that many people in today’s world think that caffeine helps keep them awake or stimulates them to get through the day. However, you can get as addicted as you would to cigarettes, alcohol, or drugs. Withdrawal problems are the real problem.

Trying to quit caffeine can make you very sick, and it may take a few days or even a week to get over the symptoms of stopping this drug. It depends on how much soda, soda, or tea you drank regularly and how it will affect you. Here are the most common symptoms of caffeine withdrawal and what you can do to combat them.

1. Mood fluctuations

One of the most common things people experience when kicking caffeine is mood swings. Regular caffeine users are the most affected by this worrying problem. According to the National Library of Medicine, they can trace caffeine recalls back over 170 years, which means this is not a new problem as many suspect.

They also published a study on the side effects of those who are quitting. Surprisingly, irritability was found to be one of the top complaints from all nine studies in the survey. It is logical that you eliminate something that affects the brain to alter your mood.

2. Fatigue

It’s not uncommon for you to have trouble getting things done when you stop drinking coffee or soda. The levels of concentration and energy that you once had are altered due to a lack of stimulation. Stopping this substance has been shown to make you sleepy.

Surprisingly, a study was conducted with truck drivers and their coffee consumption. During this BMJ case-control study, found that those who drank coffee regularly had a 63 percent reduction in their chances of having an accident. It’s a bit scary when you consider the number of truckers on the road and the need for stimulation to stay awake. What about those who don’t drink anything with caffeine?

3. Low energy levels

Low energy levels go hand in hand with fatigue. The only difference is that you may not be sleepy, but you don’t have the energy to do what you need to do. Your life can suffer significantly when you do not have the stimulation that you are used to.

Your brain will need time to adjust to the lack of coffee / tea / soda that has helped you wake up and face the day.

4. Flu-like symptoms

It’s shocking to think that caffeine withdrawal can lead to flu-like symptoms. Many people experience aches and pains, typical of what accompanies the common flu. They also have muscle stiffness and nausea.

Keep in mind that a person who drinks a soda a day probably won’t have as serious a problem quitting caffeine as someone who drinks a cup of coffee to begin with. Also, every body is different, so you never know what symptoms you may experience.

5. Headache

Headaches are the number one complaint of someone trying to get rid of their caffeine addiction. In fact, one study found that 50 percent of the people complain about this symptom. The severity of headaches is also widespread.

Some report mild discomfort, while others say the headaches make them completely weak.

6. Depression

You can become dependent both physically and psychologically on this substance. Although it sounds silly to someone who has never experienced it, suffering from any withdrawal symptoms can be very depressing. Once you eliminate the cravings from your body, you must also eliminate your psychological dependence.

7. Anxiety

Anxiety can come from psychological disorders or it can come from feeling like something is wrong with your body. However, it is observed that once you get up and go, you struggle with the reality that you don’t have this crutch to lean on.

You may be anxious to start your day without your cup of coffee or soda, and you need to learn a new routine. Additionally, the lack of substance to help you every day can also take its toll.

8. Mind fog

Mental fog it is described very differently by everyone. Some say that it is a lack of concentration, while others say that their mind is not clear because there is a lot of noise. Brain fog is a common complaint after stopping caffeine.

You may find that you are a bit confused, forgetful, and may even be disorganized. Did you know that brain fog and headaches are the most common reasons people start drinking caffeine again?

9. Shaking / Shaking

Some people are more prone to tremors than others. Consequently, those who consume high levels of caffeine every day may find that they have an unsteady hand or tremors when the substance leaves their body. Fortunately, these nervous feelings do not last long and should go away as soon as you are done with the withdrawal process.

10. Concentration problems

Did you know that many people use caffeine to medicate ADHD and other concentration problems? Some people prefer drinking coffee to taking some of the dangerous stimulant medications. So when you eliminate what keeps you going in life, you may have a hard time concentrating.

Self-medication with any substance can be dangerous and you can learn effective ways to improve your concentration without taking anything that could be harmful. Also, many herbs can help with your attention, such as ashwagandha or Ginkgo Biloba.

Reduce or leave the turkey cold

If you want to avoid all of these problems while giving up caffeine, there is an easier way to do it. A lot of people want to kick the habit suddenly and end the habit, which is great if you can do it that way. However, for those who drink more than 400 milligrams of this stimulant each day, they should cut back as it is safer.

Start by slowly cutting back on even one cup or can of soda each day. Do this for a week. Then the next week, reduce it to another cup or soda. Keep doing this until you no longer need the substance to work.

It’s also worth mentioning that you may need to seek help if you are medicating an underlying medical condition. Things like chronic fatigue can cause problems for you, and you may be masking those problems by self-medicating.

ADHD in adults it is not uncommon. While some children outgrow this problem as they grow up, many continue it into adulthood. It is one of the main reasons people consume caffeine to help them focus and perform their daily tasks.

Final thoughts on the symptoms of caffeine withdrawal

Slow and steady is the best way to get rid of your caffeine habit. However, many people face situations where they must stop smoking right away, such as being in the hospital or heart problems. While caffeine is a natural substance found in many plants, so are opiates.

Just because it comes from the poppy flower does not mean that it is safe to consume. While caffeine is not that harmful, care must be taken when seeking help from natural things. If you are drinking between 300 and 400 mg a day, you are getting remarkably close to the maximum amount allowed.

Now, those who have a soda or a cup of coffee every now and then are not going to get addicted. Fortunately, the caffeine withdrawal process generally takes about three days on average, but can take up to a week. It is psychological dependence that may be the most difficult to overcome.

Many people drink soda, coffee, and tea because they like the taste of it and what it does to them. For most, the psychological aspects seem the most difficult to overcome. Fortunately, you don’t need soda or coffee to live, and you can learn that water is much more refreshing and beneficial for your body.


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