10 Behaviors That Reveal a Lack of Respect From Your Partner


Do you feel respected by your spouse or partner, or is disrespect affecting your relationship? The need to be admired by your partner is universal and transcends gender. When they don’t respect you, you often wonder what you did wrong and how to fix the situation.

What do you do when your wife or husband doesn’t respect you? Being disrespected affects both men and women in different ways. The definition of respect for Merriam Webster it means holding someone in high regard and showing admiration. Considering someone you are in love with is an essential part of the foundation of your partnership.

Both males and females have the need and desire to please their partner, and when there is a lack of respect, it can be psychologically damaging. Rejection is a bitter pill to swallow and can drastically affect your self-esteem, as well as the quality of your relationship.

The pangs of disrespect rejection

Relationships have fundamental building blocks that keep the union strong. Things like trust, honesty, commitment, communication, and respect are essential. When one of these critical parts of your union disappears, it is like a house with a sagging foundation. Certainly, a weak base produces cracks, soft spots and is dangerous.

So when you the relationship has dysfunctional parts, leaves room for other problems to appear. Disrespect will soon allow doubt to creep in and start creating problems.

Here is an example

For example, a husband who is no longer at home for dinner and does not take the time to call to warn his wife, leaves the door open to suspicion.

Not only is it disrespectful not to let someone know that you are going to be late, especially when they are cooking, but they will also worry about your safety. It’s just one little thing you can do that shows you hold this person in high regard. When you don’t take the time to inform them of your whereabouts, it causes resentment.

First, you will feel hurt because she prepared a meal that you did not eat. Second, you may wonder why you work so late all the time. Third, you will wonder if there is someone else who has caught your eye. Due to these actions, the wife may turn inward instead of talking about problems.

Even if the husband was working and there was nothing wrong, the lack of respect caused a breakup. The wife will be suspicious and keep a mental account of how many times such an event occurred. All of this could have been avoided with a simple phone call out of respect for your partner.

Is it disrespect or low self-esteem?

Each person has the luggage that they carry from previous relationships. Not only does this baggage weigh you down, but if you don’t unload these things, it can affect your current and future relationships. If you had a previous partner who lied to you all the time, you may find yourself doubting your current spouse.

The sad part is that you may have no reason to distrust them, but you do so automatically because you have been burned in the past. It can work the same way with your self-esteem. Some people don’t hold themselves in high regard, and if you put your emotions up your sleeve, it can cause problems.

Suppose you have a new haircut. Her spouse didn’t say anything about this style, so she automatically understood that that meant she didn’t like it. Some people are more perceptive than others, and that doesn’t mean they don’t like it. They didn’t mention the new style.

You can easily project your feelings of low self-esteem to another person when there is no reason. Disrespect is different than not being observant, and it is important that you can identify what true disrespect is in a relationship.

Ten behaviors that show disrespect

Feelings aside, you need to know what disrespect is and when it is your low self-esteem or emotional baggage that is affecting the situation. Here are ten behaviors that show a lack of respect from your partner.

1. Verbal abuse

There is never a reason to insult or belittle others. They should be spoken with love and kindness. It is disrespectful, even in the heat of an argument, to insult. Never speak with contempt to someone you love, as it also shows a real lack of maturity.

2. Lying

Honesty is one of those essential building blocks in your relationship. When you or your partner lie to each other, you leave the door open for some serious trouble. If you cannot trust your partner, then it is better to break the ties.

3. Cheating

Infidelity is one of the most damaging forms of disrespect. When you are in love and committed to each other, part of that commitment is your mind, body, and soul. When you use your body to find pleasures outside of the relationship, it is very hurtful and harmful to the other person.

The first step to fixing a relationship after such a devastating blow is rebuilding trust. It’s hard to trust someone who has hurt you so badly. However, many couples continue even after infidelity, but their union will never be the same again.

4. Physical abuse

It would be helpful if they never laid hands on each other in anger. Most people think it’s more about men, but women can also be abusers. Domestic shelters has done extensive research on why women abuse and their motives are often different from men’s.

However, the real problem is that most men will not talk about the abuse they encounter as they fear it will take away their masculinity. Things are changing and society is recognizing that men can receive the same as women.

5. Flirt with other people in front of you

Ok for notice an attractive person even in a committed relationship. However, flirting takes it to a whole new level. If your lover is flirting with others when you are around, it is the greatest disrespect. It is as if they are saying that you are not good enough and that this person is better.

6. Leave you

There will always be little annoying things about each other that you don’t like. However, your partner should never look down on you in front of others. If you are concerned about your weight, this is a conversation to have behind closed doors.

A weight problem should have more to do with health than appearance, and should never incorporate insults. When someone belittles you and makes you feel “less than” in front of others, run.

7. make plans that don’t include you

For the most part, being in a relationship means that you make plans together. While there may be occasional boy or girl nights out, you generally have to spend your life doing things as a couple. If one of you is continually making plans that don’t involve the other person, it’s a sign that you don’t want to be with them.

It is very disrespectful and painful to be with someone and only see each other at the end of the day. Life is about spending time together, not sharing a space, but living apart.

8. Always on your cell phone

Cell phones, Tablets and laptops have brought a whole new level of disrespect to society. It is very annoying trying to have a conversation or go to dinner with someone who cannot put down electronic devices. It is not pleasant to have half of someone’s attention because they are so involved in social media, send text messages or check emails.

There should always be a set time to put down electronic devices and communicate as it can get old very fast.

9. Interrupts you while you speak

There is nothing more annoying than someone constantly interrupting you when you try to speak. They are implying that what you have to say is not as crucial as their thoughts. Don’t let people interrupt you, as it is the utmost disrespect.

10. Refuses to apologize

Selfish people are people who believe that they are always right. According to the National biotechnology information centersThese people often have a great sense of self-importance, as well as show arrogant and haughty behaviors and attitudes. Even if they know they are wrong, they will never admit it to you.

However, they probably think they are right all the time anyway, so they will argue and push until you see things their way.

Final thoughts on disrespect

Being with the right person who loves, appreciates and respects you will give a whole new meaning to your life. While even the better relation They will have some storms to weather, you do it together and not tearing each other apart.

When someone shows you disrespect, it can have a lasting effect. Not only will the relationship be unhealthy, but it can also destroy your self-esteem a bit with each hit. While relationships are all about commitment, there are some things you should never compromise on, such as honesty, trust, communication, and mutual respect.



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