10 Behaviors That Help Someone Gain a Fresh Perspective


You’ve probably heard the classical singer sing about doing things “my way.” What if your way of thinking and doing things no longer works for you? It’s probably time to get a new perspective on your life.

Have you ever seen someone weave a basket? If they tried to use the rigid reeds without soaking them in water, the reeds would crack and break when bent. However, the soaked reeds are flexible and can be woven into beautiful baskets.

Do your views and opinions still serve you, or are they so rigid that they break? Learning to be flexible And discovering new ways of thinking can improve your life. It can also increase your creative problem-solving skills.

Ten ways to open your mind and gain a new perspective

Are you stumped with a problem or do you feel like you have tunnel vision? It is common for people to settle in their ways and avoid change. If you want to get out of the box, here are ten helpful ways to discover new perspectives.

1. Try to eliminate words that limit your views

Often times your perspective on your life is limited by common but powerful words. One that you probably use on a daily basis is “should.” Create a rule book of unrealistic expectations in your mind. When people don’t do what they “should” or situations turn out to be different than they “should,” you are disappointed.

Here are a couple of words that can create negative energy in your space: “always” and “never”. For example, you can tell your partner, “You always forget important dates.” You may say to yourself, “I’m never going to thrive like everyone else.”

According to the law of attraction, you manifest everything you speak to the Universe. If you use “should”, “always” and “never”, that is precisely what you will get. Your partner will keep forgetting important dates and you will not prosper.

Try to control yourself before saying these words. It may not be easy at first, but it will become a habit. Use only those words that praise, lift, and encourage.

Instead of, speak positive affirmationsand the Universe will expand your views. You may get information that you have never considered in the past. When you have a new perspective, you are only limited by your imagination.

2. Talk to your children

Remember the classic TV show where the host interviewed the kids on various topics? Your kids may say the most elegant things, but their perspectives are fresh and unique. But, unfortunately, they have yet to mature and their attitude is tainted by the adult world.

Of course, they lack the knowledge and life experience that you have acquired. However, don’t discount your way of explaining things. It may be the case that the child teaches the parents.

If you really want a unique outlook on life, talk to your kids. Young people have a positive attitude by nature and take things literally. Perhaps you’ve lost some of that childhood wonder and your kids can help you refocus.

3. Be one with nature

It’s a challenge to be mean when you see the stars twinkling like jewels on a black velvet dress. But, while strolling through a local park or forest, you become aware of a Universe that is larger than any of your worries and frustrations. An article published by Extreme Physiology and Medicine states that spending time outdoors can benefit your physiological and psychological well-being.

Taking a walk outside every day is good exercise and helps you reconnect with the Universe. Observing the lively creatures of the forest also reminds you of the beauty and sanctity of life. When you feel indecisive or helpless, a long walk in the woods can open your mind to new possibilities.

4. Surround yourself with positive people

Inevitably, you will always find a negative spoiler in any crowd. Sometimes it is difficult to completely avoid certain pessimistic people. However, you can choose how much influence these people have in your life.

If you want to develop more clarity in your perspective, being around positive people can help. When you’re feeling anxious or depressed, it’s easy to become blinded by negativity. On the other hand, optimism is contagiousand it can give you different ideas on how to solve a problem.

Find the happiest people you know and keep them company. Of course, everyone has bad days, but these people have learned the secret of resilience. Smile, laugh and rediscover the joy that is your rightful inheritance.

5. Treat yourself well

Everyone likes to feel appreciated and loved, so why not show it yourself? Of course, it’s okay to splurge on that new outfit or go out at night on the town. However, you should not overdo it and jeopardize your financial stability.

Being kind to yourself doesn’t always mean buying things. Instead, take some time to work on your hobbies or relax and read a good book. There is nothing more refreshing than a Sunday afternoon nap or sipping a steaming cup of coffee while watching the sunrise.

These little breaks and treats stimulate your mind and spirit and can reset your attitudes. So if you don’t have time to be kind to yourself, take the time. Schedule yourself on the calendar as you would any other important event.

6. Change your landscape to find a new perspective

If you want to broaden your perspective, a change of scenery may be necessary. When you spend most of your time in the same place, it is no longer a challenge for your brain. You have all the pictures on the wall memorized and there is nothing new outside the windows.

Not only are you stuck in one place, your brain may feel trapped in the same opinions. So do yourself a favor and change the scenery. Whether you are going on vacation or a short getaway for the day, the change will do you good.

This is also your opportunity to renew your living and work space. You’d be surprised how a coat of paint can make a room pop. Clear the clutter and surround yourself with only those things that lift your heart and mind.

7. Practice meditation

Meditation is not as complicated as it sounds. An article published by Daily science says that meditation can help your brain process more thoughts and feelings. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that it can also provide new approaches to life situations.

The good news is that you don’t need any special equipment and you can meditate anywhere you want. All you need is a quiet place to sit or lie down, close your eyes, and be aware of your inner voice. It may seem a bit silly or awkward at first, but you’ll soon learn how to let thoughts flow through your mind effortlessly.

If you are stumped about a problem in your life, quiet meditation can help. As you practice mindful breathing and are fully present, your inner voice can give you critical hints and suggestions. Even 15 minutes in a meditative state can be beneficial.

8. Look through someone else’s eyes

Although the truth is constant, human perception of reality will vary. You may feel engulfed by the burdens you carry. However, your problems may seem insignificant when you consider the burdens others carry.

If you need a different angle to view a situation, try to view it as someone else would. Switch roles and consider how you would feel. You can often have a revelation that was not apparent at first.

Sometimes it can be as simple as asking the opinion of a trusted friend or family member. These people are behind you and will be honest with you, whether you want to hear it or not. Trusting someone who has more experience in life may be the solution you need.

9. Look at the big picture for a bigger perspective

Are you concentrating on one small piece instead of the whole puzzle? Like a puzzle, your life is a collection of thousands of little pieces that you have put together over the years. They don’t make sense until you connect them to form a beautiful image.

When you want a broader perspective, be more open to your senses. Instead of wasting valuable time on petty matters, try looking at your challenges. May have more clarity and direction.

10. Knowing the difference

Who wrote the Serenity Prayer he had a wisdom that was beyond this world. How many times have you worried about things that were completely out of your control? The events of your past cannot be altered and you can become depressed if you meditate on them.

When you can discern between the changing and unchanging situations in your life, you can free your body, mind, and spirit. You see them differently and know their potential and limitations. Such an attitude can bring you true serenity, courage, and wisdom.

Final thoughts on how to get a new perspective

The insights you have in your life act as a powerful flashlight. It lets you know where you are now and where you are going in the future. Adding some extra power with a new point of view can keep your trail brighter.


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