Why You Should Stop Sleeping on Half Wigs

By Choya Randolph

When it comes to wigs, you either wear them or you don’t. For those who prefer not to wear wigs because of a fear that it will fall off or look unnatural, a half wig may not even cross your mind. If you don’t want to wear a full wig, why even consider a half one? For those who like to switch it up and lay down their lace, you probably don’t care much for half wigs either. Who wants a style for only half of their head? These are good points but people shouldn’t sleep on half wigs. As your alarm, I’m here to tell you why half wigs can be the innovation you need in your life.

Let’s start with prices. Half wigs are of course less expensive than full wigs. Ain’t nobody paying full price for half a product. For those paying a big coin for their wigs, half wigs will barely put a dent in your wallet. You can find them at your local beauty supply store. I advise you to buy a half wig that is close to your hair texture. You’ll be surprised by the kinky half wigs you can find.

Half wigs are perfect for any half-up and half-down style. This may sound limiting but there are so many options. First, braid the bottom half of your hair down to make room for the half wig. Instead of being attached to a fragile part of your head and pulling at your edges like full wigs do, half wigs will attach to the hair in the middle of your head which for many is the strongest part. Put the front of your natural hair in a bun. Don’t forget to swoop them edges. Take some of the hair from the half wig and add it to the bun. Now you have a voluminous style that actually looks like your natural hair!

It doesn’t end with just half a ponytail. You can add two ponytails or even pin your natural hair back to blend in with the wig. And if you get tired of the half-up and half-down style, your half wig can also be worn as a ponytail. If your classic up-do “fineapple” hairstyle isn’t giving you the volume you want, put your hair in a bun instead. Try making the bun small because after that, you will be attaching the half wig as if it were a drawstring ponytail. For extra security, pin the wig down with bobby pins. Now you have a thick and kinky ponytail that could easily fool someone into thinking it’s your natural hair.

Styling half wigs give you the best of both worlds. You can wear your natural hair out and get the additional volume wigs tend to give. It’s an inexpensive way for those of you who want to ease themselves into the world of wigs. Plus it’s quick and easy to do for when you’re in a rush. Half wigs may only be half of a wig but it can help you serve a full look. 

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