Read what your sign’s 2020 horoscope predictions have in store for you or check out the Capricorn personality profile.
Welcome to December, Capricorn! A stressful eclipse last month finally forced you to relax, and against your typical nature, you enjoyed it. Capricorn has a reputation for being all work and no play, but in your defense, the holidays are an ultra stressful time, and work is a form of coping for you. On Tuesday, December 1, chatty Mercury enters wild child Sagittarius, and it becomes even more difficult to focus on anything productive. If you can’t beat them, join them. There’s tons of time to make work a priority later in the month (when it becomes your season, of course) so for now, go ahead and put it to the side.
From the pandemic, to the nationwide reckoning with police brutality and racism, to the drawn-out election, we’ve been through it this year. As an earth sign, you’re one of the most grounded people of the zodiac, but even you can feel frazzled. Make time to be alone for therapy or meditation when Venus in intense Scorpio trines Neptune in Pisces on Wednesday, December 9.
Around the middle of December, you’ll finally accept that this will not be the most productive month on record, and decide to let loose so that you can have some fun and make some memories, even with the current state of things. There’s a new moon, which also happens to be an unpredictable solar eclipse, in party animal Sagittarius on Monday, December 14. Even though we’ve all altered our holiday plans a bit, make some time to have a glass of eggnog and sleep in an extra hour. The only thing you shouldn’t do, dear Capricorn, is sign major documents. Save that for the New Year when everyone gets back to work.
You do have an assignment, however — to have as much fun as possible in your love life, starting on Tuesday, December 15, when romance planet Venus enters happy Sagittarius. Can you be an optimist for the last two weeks of the year, and appreciate orgasms, nudes, your favorite foods, and cuddling on the couch? On this same day, Tuesday, December 15, the comet Chiron, known as the “wounded healer” goes direct, asking all of us to do work to heal old traumas. Your job is learning how to let go a little so that you can have a good time. You are represented by the Devil card in the tarot. Inside that hardworking and responsible earth sign is a sexy demon who knows how to charm. You just have to figure out how to access that side of yourself and you’ll be good as gold.
You’re the star of the show when your season begins on Monday, December 21, which is also the winter solstice. Your brilliant mind is needed more than ever to gather during COVID-19. Friends and family will be looking to you as the rock in the storm. This includes organizing safe holiday gatherings, but it also means telling your community how much you love them. You may think about how much you care for people, Capricorn, but sometimes you forget to say it out loud.