Try These Elegant Hairstyles for Locs

The ladies who loc in 2021? Their vanities are lined with bottles of expensive perfume. They’ve got a few designer pieces sprinkled through their wardrobes, and they spend their weekends drinking rosé with their friends. They are well-heeled and well-connected. They certainly don’t subscribe to the belief that locs are unprofessional when they power walk into their corporate, fashion, or government offices on Monday morning. They may burn a sage bundle or incense here and there, but their personalities will not be flattened by the imaginations of people who don’t understand them in the first place.

Our loc ladies are limitless and their hair reflects that. Just like the people who wear them, locs can be molded into ceiling-grazing shapes and gravity-defying designs or they can be curled and dyed to suit your mood. There are even loc extensions if years of growing doesn’t fit into your busy schedule. For Allure, Holder arranged models’ locs into magnificent, shapely works of art. She created a literal crown (complete with jewels), uplifted a ponytail with wrapped gold wire, and even brought forth a physical manifestation of how Black women connect with each other by literally conjoining the models’ locs. “We’re all connected [by the beauty of] our natural hair.”

These styles may not be terribly difficult to recreate, but the layered profundity of them, of the simple, effortless elegance, speak volumes.

Stylist: Rasaan Wyzard
Hair: Sherelle Holder
Makeup: Mariko Arai
Prop Stylist: Kate Stein
Models: Marianna Taylor, Omega

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