Read what your sign’s 2021 horoscope predictions have in store for you, or check out the Taurus personality profile.
Welcome to September, Taurus! During August, you had tough, grown-up conversations about your interpersonal relationships. Hopefully, your needs and boundaries were effectively asserted and well-received. No matter what, never forget you are a luxurious, sensual creature who needs lots of self-care and only deserves lovers who treat you like royalty.
Monday, September 6, brings a new moon in Virgo, the sign of practicality. For Tauruses, this steamy lunation is all about s-e-x and setting intentions around it. If you’re single and ready to date, this is an ideal night for chatting on dating apps or going out with friends. Have a partner? Use this beautiful dark night to reconnect with them through lovemaking. You may even want to experiment with a new kink.
The love keeps flowing when your ruling planet, romantic Venus, enters sexy Scorpio on Friday, September 10. The next few weeks will be passionate and intense. Just watch out for jealousy. When Venus is in Scorpio, we’re all more suspicious, and jealousy might spike seemingly out of nowhere. If you find yourself picking up your phone to look up your partner’s ex, stop it, and send them a sweet text instead. Social media is never an accurate depiction of someone, and your partner is with you now, not them.
Full moons are for manifestation and admiring the fruits of your labor. Keep that in mind when one occurs in Pisces on Monday, September 20. Think back to the intentions around dating you set earlier in the month. Perhaps it’s time to say yes to an in-person date or test out a new sex toy with your partner. You’re a lovely and luscious sign, Taurus, but you can be prone to anxiousness and getting stuck inside your head. When you’re consumed with worries, forgetting the needs of others tends to happen. Remember to tell your partner how much they mean to you. In return, they might just offer up the reassurance you’re searching for.
Mark Wednesday, September 22 — the start of Libra season — on your calendar because it’s a witchy and wonderful day. Libra, like Taurus, is ruled by the lover planet, Venus. It’s the sign of balance, diplomacy, and partnership. As a result, Libra season is an ideal time to have a conversation with your romantic partner to define your relationship.