Read what your sign’s 2021 horoscope predictions have in store for you or check out the Taurus personality profile.
Welcome to July, beautiful Taurus! Last month, you may have experienced some shakeups in your friend group. Perhaps you set boundaries with a toxic friend, or made some brand-new ones who align with your spiritual growth. When your ruling planet, pretty Venus, squares (an unfavorable aspect) eccentric Uranus, which is currently in your sign, try not to engage in any petty gossip. Unfortunately, this day could serve as a reminder as to why certain people are no longer in your life.
You’ve been working hard lately, both in your professional and personal life. The latter is extremely impressive. Not everyone can face their demons in the name of creating a happier, healthier life, but you have been determined. Use the sweet new moon in kind Cancer on Friday, July 9, to stay in and pamper yourself with self-care and your favorite treats. If you have a pet, make sure to snuggle them.
An astrologically important comet called Chiron, the “wounded healer,” goes retrograde in hot-tempered Aries on Thursday, July 15. Even if life is going swell, you may feel a bout of summertime sadness around this time. What is it about the heat that can bring the blues? Carve in extra time for self-care and please, try to get plenty of sleep. Rest is good for our mental health, not to mention our physical health. Don’t fall for the lie that working yourself to the point of exhaustion is desirable. Lean on trusted friends or a therapist if your feelings become overwhelming.
Your ruling planet, Venus, goddess of love, money, and beauty enters perfectionist Virgo and your 5th House of Pleasure on Wednesday, July 21. On this date, your attention turns to your love life. You’re done settling, Taurus, and good for you! Maybe it was the pandemic, maybe it was one too many unsolicited nudes, but you are officially done with dating people who aren’t worth your time. When bold Leo season begins on Thursday, July 22, you’re ready to hit the town. If you’re single, it’s an ideal time to meet people; everyone is horny as hell this summer, after all. If you’re partnered, go dance and rekindle your romance now that it’s safer to get out of the house. Regardless of your relationship status, the full moon in wild child Aquarius on Friday, July 23, has you experiencing sex in a different way. Treat yourself to a brand new sex toy.
You have permission to indulge in some harmless gossip when chatty Mercury enters loud Leo on Tuesday, July 27. Plan a picnic with friends and catch up on everything you’ve missed. The month comes to a close when fighter planet Mars enters fastidious Virgo, injecting you with motivation so you can excel in the workplace and in your passion projects. See you in August!
After practicing self-care, you deserve a night out, Taurus. This eyeshadow palette works for low-key nights in and Leo season-style nights on the town: Ciate London Trend Edit Palette from Allure Beauty Box, $23 (Shop Now)
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