Sagittarius Horoscope December 2020 — Love and Career Predictions

Read what your sign’s 2020 horoscope predictions have in store for you or check out the Sagittarius personality profile. 

Welcome to December, Sagittarius! In November you found creative ways to calm your wanderlust, like taking a staycation or a short day trip outside with friends. Now you’re ready to get back to the grind. It’s still your season and whether it’s by trying a new makeup look or learning how to play a new song, you’re ready to take on a new hobby and impress people. However, when messenger Mercury enters your sign on Tuesday, December 1, there are distractions everywhere. It may be hard to feel present. Take a break from social media if you want to get anything done. On Thursday, December 10, when the sun in Sag trines fighter Mars in fellow fire sign Aries, you’ll feel a bit more like yourself. 

You’ve likely managed to stay busy this year, despite the economy. Even if your work was affected, you may have picked up a new hobby or dove into activism to ensure 2020 was still a year you were proud of. While you probably want to keep up the momentum, use the new moon in your sign on Monday, December 14, which is also the day of a solar eclipse, to take a moment of rest. Don’t make any important decisions or sign crucial documents; take time to pause and reflect first. 

Even though you’re typically fine being single, you might’ve found yourself in a new romance just in time for the holidays. If you’re already partnered, this is a time of renewal, as many relationships have been affected by the stress of this year. When lover planet Venus enters your sign on Tuesday, December 15, your sex life heats up through award-winning sexts, role-playing scenarios, or just pure sexual obsession. However, the name of the game is “fun.” Regardless of your relationship status, just focus on enjoying romance right now. You can make commitments after the new year. 

One of the reasons you shouldn’t become completely wrapped up in a relationship is that you need to focus on the one you have with yourself. An astrologically important comet named Chiron, aka the “wounded healer,” goes direct on Tuesday, December 15. This transit encourages you to work toward healing past heartache and trauma so that in the new year you can move forward and make commitments from the healthiest place possible. 

Your career becomes front and center when hardworking Capricorn season begins on the winter solstice, Monday, December 21. Plan to enjoy a newfound motivation when it comes to your career or creative passion. Creating doesn’t have to be about capitalism; it can just be about you, Sag. You feel so powerful that you could burst during the full moon in caring Cancer on Tuesday, December 29. This lunation has you tapping into your softer side. If there was ever a night to take a bath in rose petals while sipping champagne, this is it. Enjoy and see you in the new year! 

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We know many of you may be feeling worried, frightened, or isolated right now. Although the stars don’t have answers to the multitude of questions running through all of our minds, astrology may at least provide some comfort during times of uncertainty. We urge you to donate to one or all of these organizations if you’re able to; if you can’t, we created a guide to ways you can support the BLM movement other than financially.

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