Review: Flower Beauty Jet Set Invisible Powder Spray Is a Blotting Sheet in a Bottle

To apply this somewhat unconventional product, treat it kind of like any other setting spray: Shake it well, hold it at least six inches away from your face, and spritz away. A very light coating will do; just like any other makeup powder, you might notice it sinking into fine lines if you overdo it. Take it from makeup artist Daniel Chinchilla, who once told Allure that “setting powder might only make the foundation look cakey if it’s a heavier setting powder.”

Morhpe M510 Pro Round Blender Brush

Another thing this spray powder has in common with its traditional predecessors is that it requires a very well-blended base. “I tend to really blend and work the foundation into the skin with a blending brush until it feels one with the skin, so it doesn’t feel like [the powder is] sitting on top of it as a separate entity,” makeup artist Valery Gherman previously explained to Allure. “If any areas still feel too heavy, I prefer to pat down with a sponge to absorb any excess moisture before applying powder.”

Because I have some oily spots, some dry spots, and some balanced spots, this powder spray had varying results on different areas of my face — that’s why I usually prefer to spot powder with a fluffy detailing brush such as Morhpe’s M510 Pro Round Blender Brush instead of baking. Personally, I think Jet Set would work best on those with oiler skin types who find themselves needing quick touch-ups throughout the day to keep their complexion makeup intact. 

Flower Beauty Jet Set Invisible Powder Spray

TLDR; I might not use this product to set my entire face on a day-to-day basis due to my skin type, but I will certainly be chucking it in my bag next time I have a special occasion or am filming an Allure video that requires round-the-clock makeup maintenance.

Flower Beauty Jet Set Invisible Powder Sprat retails for $15 and is available now at

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