The real magic of these puppies is their longevity — no joke, I’ve worn the Matte Fluid Eye Paints on the stickest of summer days, in pouring rainstorms, and even during workouts when I’ve been in a pinch for time. They don’t dry down immediately, so if you don’t want to wear them in a crisp, bold fashion, you can blend them out with a tip from makeup artist Katie Jane Hughes. “Use a fluffy kind of eye shadow blending brush that allows you to blend and apply at the same time,” she previously told Allure.
No matter which way you apply them, once they dry, they stay there. Nothing but a top-notch cleansing oil or balm (I recommend Drunk Elephant’s Slaai Makeup-Melting Butter Cleanser) can come between this formula and your eyelids.
And with this product’s range of unique colors, About-Face’s Eye Paints are practically guaranteed to get you compliments — even from strangers, I’ve noticed. There are a total of ten shades in the range, but my favorites are undoubtedly the four from the Daytripper collection: Incoming (neon yellow), Everything Now (lime green), Replicant (aquamarine), and Freaked (muted lavender). My eye makeup policy is the brighter, the better, and those are arguably the brightest shades the brand makes.
About-Face Daytripper Matte Fluid Eye Paint in Everything Now
Nicola Dall’Asen/AllureNo doubt about it, I now consider About-Face’s Matte Liquid Eye Paints a staple in my ever-expanding kit, and I don’t see that changing for a very, very long time. My only complaint is that I want a zillion-billion-katrillion more shades. Halsey, if you’re reading this, I’d like to personally request every single color on the ROYGBIV spectrum, please and thank you.
The About-Face Daytripper Matte Fluid Eye Paints retail for $24 each and are available to purchase from Once you’re done shopping, don’t forget to check out the full list of 2021 Best of Beauty Award winners.
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