Words With Friends is collaborating with the Scripps National Spelling Bee, after the pandemic year that canceled the Quiz, for fun with the long-awaited 2021 finals on July 8.
In the eight days leading up to the contest, Words With Friends’ word of the day will be the winning word for each of the eight champions in the 2019 final, which ended in an unprecedented eight-way tie.
This year, in addition to a new rule that casts a spell in the event of a tie, Words With Friends will prepare us for the excitement and intensity of Bee’s return by featuring an 8-day ‘Word of the Day’ takeover.
To underscore the depth of the language learned by these young spellings, four words had to be added to the Words With Friends dictionary for this initiative. As players click on the ‘Word of the Day’ cell during this initiative, they can also access the definition of the word and a photo of the moment of the 2019 champion when each participant became a historic champion.
The first word that was introduced on July 1 was ‘auslaut’ (def: the final sound in any word), spelled correctly in 2019 by the boy from San Jose, California, Rishik Gandharsi.
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Yesterday, the featured word was ‘erysipelas’ (def: an acute bacterial disease), Erin Howard’s winning word from Huntsville, Alabama, shown below.

The word for the 4th of July will be ‘aiguillette’ (def: a shoulder strap worn by military aides), which was the winning word for Shruthika Padhy of Cherry Hill, NJ.
Closing the show, and landing on the day of the 2021 National Spelling Bee Finals, the word ‘odylic’ (def: related to hypothetical force strangely or Od) will appear, spelled by Rohan Rajas of Dallas, Texas to round off all 8 – tie shipping.
“The Scripps National Spelling Bee contestants spend years preparing for this language contest of intellect and calm under pressure, ”said Bernard Kim of the game company Zynga, which created Words With Friends.
“Our Words With Friends players are also lovers of words and friendly competition, and I couldn’t think of a better beacon of inspiration than these Spellers to encourage us to keep learning, striving and achieving.”
“Games and play are powerful tools for learning, and we are excited to work with Zynga to bring more joy and attention to this year’s event through its Words With Friends community,” said Dr. J. Michael Durnil, CEO of Bee.
The event will be televised on ESPN on July 8 and the winner will take home the Scripps Cup trophy.
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