Leo Horoscope November 2020 — Love and Career Predictions

Read what your sign’s 2020 horoscope predictions have in store for you or check out the Leo personality profile. 

Welcome to November, Leo! The end of October brought out your creative side as you found ways to dress up and enjoy Halloween, despite the circumstances. You love to be the center of attention (and your friends love you for it) so you hate whenever Mercury retrograde cramps your style. Thankfully, the planet of communication goes direct on Tuesday, November 3. As this day also happens to be Election Day, prepare for some strangeness, to say the least. Put your infectious Leo optimism to good use by hosting a safe outdoor gathering as the results come in, or by reaching out digitally to those you care about. 

If there’s one thing a Leo values most it’s personal freedom. You can commit to relationships, but you need a partner who allows you the space to be your true self. Mark down Friday, November 6 in your calendar, as it may be a tough one for you. On this day, communication planet Mercury in relationship-oriented Libra squares Saturn, a restrictive planet which is currently in conservative Capricorn. Friends, crushes, and lovers may try to put you on a tight leash, and you may have to set firm boundaries. To make matters more complicated, romance planet Venus re-enters paranoid Scorpio on Tuesday, November 10. If you’re in a relationship, your partner may be feeling a little insecure, and get a bit obsessive to overcompensate. During this time, clear communication is key. Remind your loved ones that you care about them, but need a little space. Be open and honest, and hopefully, they’ll do the same with you. 

Your love life turns from paranoid to passionate when sex god Mars ends its retrograde on Friday, November 13. Celebrate by making love, or if you’re single or in a long-distance relationship, consider treating yourself to a new sex toy. Try to let any petty resentments towards partners go during the new moon in sexy Scorpio on Saturday, November 14. New moons represent fresh starts. Consider using color magic and lighting a black candle to represent built up anger and resentments, and as it burns, watch them fade away.

Life gets more fun for you, Leo, when fellow fire sign Sagittarius begins its season on Saturday, November 21. This energy is one of progress and power. Astrology can’t fix the economy, but Sagittarius season can help reenergize you. Put on your favorite playlist, try on those fabulous outfits that have been collecting dust, and take some selfies. You deserve to feel good in your own skin. 

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