2 exceptional products at Pluto

Look at these bargains from Pluto

This A vs B comparison is for two great products from Pluto that are simply great. Between Flash Spliter Cable and RF Transmitter and Receiver, which do we like better? Why?? Let’s take a closer look and see what there is to see.

Number 1 item on the list

Flash Spliter Cable ☺️
  • one 2.5mm male to two 2.5mm female splitter cable
  • Trigger two flash units at the same time

Pluto >
Accessories > Click to order Flash Spliter Cable

The second product on the list today is RF Transmitter and Receiver!

Pluto Trigger is generally connected to your camera via camera cable. But sometimes the camera needs to be placed far away from the Pluto Trigger, such as when using laser mode; in this case, the camera cable is not long enough. The RF Transmitter & Receiver, however,  can be used to make a wireless connection between your camera and Pluto Trigger! The transmitter is connected to the camera port of Pluto Trigger, and the receiver is connected to the camera. The RF transmission range extends up to 100 meters.

Pluto >
Accessories > Click to buy RF Transmitter and Receiver

So I’m calling my pick between these two is.. by a very tiny margin: Flash Spliter Cable.

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