Aquarius Horoscope December 2020 — Love and Career Predictions

Read what your sign’s 2020 horoscope predictions have in store for you or check out the Aquarius personality profile. 

Welcome to December, Aquarius! The end of November likely brought much-needed good news and encouraged you to indulge in self-care. This has been quite the year, to say the least, but as the revolutionary of the zodiac, you dove into activism to fight back. You’ve stepped in wherever there was a need, and your community is thankful for you. When communication planet Mercury enters adventurous Sagittarius on Tuesday, December 1, you continue looking toward your future and feel inspired to include your friends and family in your plans. With traditional holiday celebrations off the table, grassroots organizing becomes even more appealing, and you might find yourself drawn to volunteering with friends. 

Be careful who you rely on, though. On Saturday, December 5, judgments are cloudy when Venus in emotional Scorpio trines Neptune in dreamy Pisces. This transit could cause crushes to flake and partners to dip on plans, which will leave you feeling frustrated. Your confidence gets another blow on Wednesday, December 9 when the sun in assertive Sagittarius makes a harsh square with Neptune in Pisces. Don’t let other people’s shortcomings make you question your own worth, Aquarius. 

You have a fighting spirit, but (much to your dismay) you can’t always bend the world to your will. Despite the ongoing political turmoil and a pandemic severely affecting our traveling options, it’s understandable that we all still want to find safe ways to celebrate the holidays. Talk with those you love about how to make each other feel loved this season without putting each other in danger. After you’ve set your boundaries, a new moon and solar eclipse in Sagittarius on Monday, December 14 asks you to loosen up and be present. 

Your attention turns from work and organizing to your romantic life when lover planet Venus also enters fun-loving Sagittarius on Tuesday, December 15. On this same date, a comet known as Chiron, the “wounded healer,” goes direct, asking you to become the best version of yourself in relationships. Can you let love in even during stressful times? That’s when we need it most, Aquarius. 

There is good news on the political front when Saturn re-enters your sign on Wednesday, December 16, promising a more progressive future. This trend follows when Jupiter also enters your sign on Saturday, December 19, suggesting that there may be some positive social changes ahead. See, Aquarius? You can have a personal life while fighting the good fight after all. 

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