This past year, most folks changed their relationship status with makeup to “it’s complicated.” Spending time indoors and away from people — and wearing face coverings during those rare social outings — made some makeup products a lot less important. On the flip side, we’re looking at ourselves all the time (thanks, Zoom and FaceTime) and thinking of the makeup we want to be wearing.
The solution? The beauty community went back to basics with higher product standards — after all, no one has the patience to mess around with makeup they’re not totally obsessed with. You, readers, proved that tenfold with your selection of 2021 Readers’ Choice Award winners in the makeup category, which include legendary staples like the Original Beautyblender, Nars Orgasm Blush, and Essie’s Ballet Slippers Nail Polish (to name just a few).
As we reveal more of this year’s award winners, selected by Allure readers, let us make one thing abundantly clear: Y’all have some impeccable taste. You’ll find many of these products (some of which have been on our radar for more than a decade) in the kits of quite a few beauty editors and makeup artists. But you already knew that, of course.
Keep scrolling to read more about the makeup that Allure readers are absolutely loving this year.