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15 Quotes of Wisdom Shared with Us by Gandhi


Life can be unexpected, but with these wisdom quotes from Gandhi, you will have a positive outlook to help you. These wisdom quotes shared by Gandhi offer guidance on life, love, and happiness. As the day progresses, remember your favorite spiritual quotes to increase your positivity and happiness.

Mahatma Gandhi was a civil rights leader who focused on non-violent activism and resistance. He was jailed several times for not wanting to cooperate in things he did not believe in. Another way he helped change the world is by going on hunger strikes to protest oppression.

Until the end of his life Gandhi he worked to bring equality, peace and goodness to the world. He left many wisdom quotes that everyone could benefit from. Your words help promote positivity as you go through life without violence or hostility.

Fifteen Wisdom Quotes Shared With Us By Gandhi

By following Gandhi’s guidance, you can find happiness and peace in your life. Use their words to remind you of what is truly important in your life.

1. “Watch your thoughts, because they become your words. Manage and take care of your words, because they will become your actions. Consider and judge your actions, because they have become your habits. Recognize and take care of your habits, because they will become your values. Understand and accept your values, because they become your destiny. “- Gandhi

The things you think become the things you say, and then your words become your actions. Think about what you are going to do and judge the things you have already done. When you judge yourself, you can break bad habits before they become a problem.

If you let your actions go without judgment, you could develop bad habits. With those bad habits, your values ​​will get worse. Instead, judge yourself in a way that helps you adhere to moral values.

2. “As the human being begins, our greatness does not lie so much in being able to remake the world, that is the myth of the atomic age, as in being able to remake ourselves.” – Gandhi

You cannot recreate the world, but you can recreate yourself. Focus on becoming the person you want to see in the world. Only by changing yourself can you help change the world for the better.

3. “I oppose violence because when it seems to do good, good is only temporary; the evil he does is permanent. “- Gandhi

Violence does not permanently help any problem and could even make the situation worse. As Gandhi says, the evil that comes with violence is permanent and it will be impossible to repair the damage.

4. “Many people, especially ignorant people, want to punish you for telling the truth, for being correct, for being you. Never apologize for being right or years ahead of your time. If you are right and you know it, speak up. Say what you think. Even if you are a minority of one, the truth is still the truth. “- Gandhi

Telling the truth is never wrong, no matter what other people try to tell you. Ignorant people don’t want to hear or know the truth, and they don’t want anyone else to. Don’t apologize and keep saying what you think when you know it’s correct.

Even if no one else will talk to you or support you, be true to yourself. You know the truth, so speak it and stand firm.

5. “A man is but a product of his thoughts. What he thinks he becomes. “- Gandhi

Your thoughts become the things you do, as said before. Keep your thoughts pure and positive so that you can live a positive life. Work to ward off negative thoughts and replace them with positivity.

6. “The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is an attribute of the strong. “- Gandhi

Weak people cannot forgive others or themselves for mistakes. When you are stronghowever, you can forgive. To become stronger, strive to forgive anyone who needs to be forgiven.

7. “If you want to change the world, start with yourself.” – Gandhi

You cannot change anything else until you change yourself first. This does not mean that you should not be yourself or that you should not be true to yourself. Instead, it means identifying your flaws and working to improve them.

As long as you are always working to become a better person, you will make the world a better place. All changes must start with yourself.

8. “Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes.” – Gandhi

Making mistakes is part of life. This way you will learn, grow and improve in what you are doing. Accept mistakes and recognize them for the learning opportunity that they are.

If you don’t allow yourself to make mistakes, you are hampering your freedom. Similarly, if you blame others for mistakes or expect them to be perfect, you hinder your freedom. To be free, you must accept mistakes and recognize them for the good situation they may be.

9. “You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is like an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not get dirty. “- Gandhi

Just because some people do bad things doesn’t mean they are all bad. Keep your faith in humanity because there are more good people than bad.

10. “Service rendered without joy helps neither the servant nor the served.” – Gandhi

Be cheerful when doing things for others. If you can be happy, it will help you and the person you are doing it for. Otherwise, your service is wasted and benefits no one.

11. “Happiness is when what you think, what you say and what you do are in harmony.” – Gandhi

If you stay true to yourself and your values, you will be happy. Think positive, speak positively and honestly, and then do what you know is right. As long as you can do those things every day, you will be on a safe path to happiness.

12. “If I have the belief that I can do it, surely I will acquire the ability to do it, even if I do not have it at first.” – Gandhi

Believing in yourself changes your life because it means that you can do anything you set your mind to. Don’t be discouraged if you can’t complete something right away. If you believe in yourself, you will develop the necessary skills to do so.

13. “The difference between what we do and what we are capable of doing would be enough to solve most of the world’s problem.” – Gandhi

Giving your all for whatever you do can make a big difference. The world’s problems can be solved, but only if everyone did the best they could. You are more capable than you think, so keep pushing and trying to do better.

14. “It is the action, not the fruit of the action, that is important. You have to do the right thing. It may not be in your power, it may not be in your time, there will be some fruit. But that doesn’t mean you stop doing the right thing. You may never know what results are coming from your action. But if you don’t do anything, it won’t have worked. “- Gandhi

Do good things that you know are right, even if you won’t be rewarded. The things you do are more important than the result. Sometimes you will never see the fruit of your action, but know that it was still worth it.

Doing the right things will produce the right results, even if you can’t see it. On the other hand, as Gandhi explains, doing nothing will not produce results. Keep this in mind so that you always remember to do the right thing.

15. “Whenever you face an opponent, conquer him with love.” – Gandhi

Anger, violence, or negativity will not help your situation or make things better. Instead, show love and you can beat any opponent.

By showing love, you will knock your opponent out of their game and have a better mindset than them. Being positive will keep your mind on what’s important and help you get through it.

Final thoughts on wisdom quotes shared with us by Gandhi

These wisdom quotes shared by Gandhi can help everyone at any point in their life. Use your guide to help you make decisions as you go through life. What Gandhi taught, negativity does not help in any situation.

Focus on staying positive, changing yourself for the better, and helping others with joy. Even when meeting an opponent, be positive and always show love. You will become a better person because of it and develop positive habits that will last a lifetime.

Gandhi went through his life living this way, and you can too. While you may not go to the lengths that Gandhi did, you can do your part to make the world a better place. Use these quotes about wisdom to help you live a life you can be proud of.



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