The 30 Best Blonde Hair Color Ideas for Every Skin Tone — Photos

By most sound estimates, only about two percent of the world’s population is naturally blonde. And while statistics are inconclusive as to how many of us are blonde by other means — “unnatural” blonde is so harsh, no? — we’re willing to bet good money that blonde is the most-requested shade in the hair salon, and the most-purchased out-of-the-box shade at the drugstore.

Don’t believe us? Think of your favorite celebrity. Chances are, they’ve been blonde at some point in their career. Not to mention yourself: If you’ve clicked on this article, you’ve probably been or considered going blonde, too. And you’re in good company. After all, the global appeal of blonde makes sense. For starters, the hue has about one billion permutations, from the coolest, iciest silvery shade, to the richest and earthiest mushroomy hue. And there are also shades of gold, honey, butter, sunshine, and Scandinavian snow. 

Don’t even get us started on highlights. Some blondes flirt dangerously close to dynamic brunette; others are a mere whisper from auburn. And it’s that versatility that makes blonde hair so universally flattering. Take our word for it: There is a blonde for you. Whether you choose to wear a blonde wig, or decide to sit in a salon chair and let the bleach do its thing, you have a ton of options in a wide range of hues and tones. Ahead is a selection of some of our favorite blondes, along with some expert advice from top colorists on how to choose the perfect shade.

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