Sagittarius Horoscope July 2021 — Love and Career Predictions

Read what your sign’s 2021 horoscope predictions have in store for you or check out the Sagittarius personality profile. 

Welcome to July, sexy Sagittarius! Last month asked you to try to live in the present. There will be plenty of time to continue processing old pain this month, Sag, but first, make sure to clear your calendar for the new moon in Cancer on Friday, July 9. New moons are times for fresh starts, and this lunation turns your attention to your home. If you’ve been considering a move, it might be time to make it happen, or to look into redecorating and freshening up your current space. But before you make any impulsive decisions, use the new moon to meditate on what you need in your home environment. 

In astrology, there is an important comet named Chiron, also known as the “wounded healer.” It goes retrograde in fellow fire sign Aries on Thursday, July 15, asking all of us to revisit and heal old wounds. You’re good at hiding your trauma, Sag; you don’t like to show anything you feel may be seen as weakness. But the more you box up your feelings, the longer they will affect you. Use this time to start letting go of guilt or shame regarding the way you may have handled past relationships. You did the best you could at the time; no more secret self-flagellation. 

Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and money enters responsible Virgo on Wednesday, July 21, turning your attention to your professional life. You deserve recognition for what you do, and the stars indicate that you’re about to get it. You’re a hard worker, you’re ambitious, and you’re creative. Expect praise from your boss or someone you respect in your field. And if you need an excuse to celebrate your accomplishments, Leo season begins the next day on Thursday, July 22. Watch out, Sag, Leo likes to party almost as much as you do. Do you dare try to outshine the lions on the dance floor during their season? Give it a shot. 

Whether you’re new to the dating scene or keeping the spark alive in a long-term relationship, make the full moon in Aquarius on Friday, July 23, a date to remember. Tap into eccentric Aquarius energy and try a new restaurant, a picnic in the park, or even something like roller skating. The goal is to get out in the world and enjoy being weird! You have such an adventurous side, Sag, show it off. Full moons are primal times, so expect lots of orgasms if your date ends in sex. 

Your ruling planet, lucky Jupiter, has been retrograde in dreamy Pisces since Sunday, June 20. Now, Jupiter retrograde moves into independent Aquarius on Wednesday, July 28. I know I said no more self-flagellation, Sag, but this transit gives you an opportunity to re-do any relationship missteps you made over the past year. So, if you really do owe someone an apology, now would be a great time to be the bigger person and give it. You can do it! See you in August. 

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Courtesy of brand / Allure: Rosemary Donahue

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