Read what your sign’s 2021 horoscope predictions have in store for you or check out the Pisces personality profile.
Welcome to July, pretty Pisces. Last month, your ruling planet Neptune went retrograde, and all you wanted to do was stay in and rest. But be careful of holing up for too long, or it might be hard to gain the momentum to fill your calendar again. On Tuesday, July 6, chatty Mercury in Gemini squares off (an unfavorable aspect) with dreamy Neptune, which is retrograde in your sign. You may find yourself over-analyzing texts or fretting that your friends forgot about you. Counteract these worries by inviting a few loved ones over for dinner, or better yet, getting out of the house. The new moon (which represents fresh starts) in caring Cancer on Friday, July 9, is the perfect night to gather with the people closest to you.
You feel revitalized through socialization and are ready to apply that optimism to dating when messenger Mercury also enters Cancer on Sunday, July 11. When was the last time someone reminded you what a catch you are, Pisces? This transit gives you the courage to say what you want (and get hot sex or dates as a result). You’re feeling emotional when the comet Chiron, known as the “wounded healer,” goes retrograde in Aries on Thursday, July 15. Check-in with your friends or your therapist, but remember that it’s OK to be filled with feelings; you’re a Pisces, after all! Your loved ones appreciate your emotional depth.
When Venus, the planet of romance, enters practical Virgo and your 7th House of Partnership on Wednesday, July 21, a relationship that’s important to you may level up. You can have big emotional talks as well as comfy date nights and silly discussions. After all, you deserve to have some fun, Pisces. Things have felt heavy for a while now, but when joyful Leo season begins on Thursday, July 22, it’s time to put aside your worries if you can and live in the present. Go (safely, of course!) party during the full moon in eccentric Aquarius on Friday, July 23. It’s an ideal night to let your primal self out.
You are one of the loveliest signs of the zodiac, and your emotional depth is one of your best qualities. But over the past year, the people who relied on you may have forgotten to ask what you needed at times. Use flamboyant Leo season to prioritize yourself. When communication planet Mercury enters Leo on Tuesday, July 27, you’ll be feeling confident. In particular, you set boundaries with friends and family, and give yourself permission to focus on yourself. Because July is so fantastic for your love life, don’t worry, you won’t be alone. Enjoy the love and see you in August.
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