Parables and Positive Psychology 09/25/20 – Positively Psychological


“Once, when Jesus was praying alone,
and the disciples were with him,
He asked them: ‘Who do the crowds say I am?’
They replied: ‘John the Baptist; others, Elijah;
and others, ‘One of the ancient prophets has arisen.’
Then he said to them: ‘But who do you say I am?’
Peter said in response: “The Christ of God.”
He rebuked them and ordered them not to tell anyone.

Said: ‘The Son of Man must suffer much
and be rejected by the elders, the chief priests and the scribes,
and you will be killed and resurrected on the third day. ”(Luke 9: 18-22)

While this passage illustrates the various opinions about who Jesus is, it addresses the question only to Peter when he asks, “Who do you say I am?” And in my own meditation on this passage, I feel that He personally asks me to answer this question as well, especially during these tumultuous times.

The COVID-19 pandemic has taken its toll on several people, clearly due to having to shelter in place and social distance. In the worst case, several people have lost their lives due to this pandemic.

In the United States, where I am writing this, protests have also erupted over issues of police brutality, especially with the upcoming presidential elections and people demanding change.

And on the West Coast, where I am also writing this, the air was extremely dangerous due to wildfires across the state of Oregon, so much so that the air was dark and gloomy, plus it was very difficult to breathe. While many of us may have realized that school openings, businesses, and even being able to meet friends may have been taken for granted before COVID, the ability to breathe clean air is apparently not guaranteed either!

So, considering the setting in which I write this, I think that many people would have interesting answers to this question that Jesus asks us. Some may believe that He is an angry and wrathful God, as various Old Testament readings may suggest. Some may also believe that He is indifferent to everything that is happening because we do not easily see His intervention. Finally, some may even believe that He is no one at all, or perhaps even someone to completely reject.

But when I read this, I feel a very personal invitation to answer this question of “Who do you say I am?” And my answer is that He is my rock and my foundation through all these tumultuous times. Even through the storm of these times, I have found His blessings working in my life, whether it’s being closer to my immediate family, appreciating the friends I have more, and even being able to work from home now. And ultimately, these tribulations have made me more dependent on God and strengthened in my relationship with the.

To offer my positive psychological reflection on this matter, it is love Y amiability, which is shown by his numerous acts of sorry and mercy throughout the New Testament, and continues to offer today. Love Y amiability are strengths of character that align with virtue of humanity. Sorry is also under the virtue of moderation. Jesus exhibits these virtues and strengths of character in the most consummate way. This fact stands in stark contrast to any opinion that Jesus is angry and angry, and that he would ever deliberately inflict these sufferings on us. Most of the time, we are the ones who turn away from God and his ways, which have longer-term natural consequences. This is precisely why he instructs us to follow his ways; because they will help us avoid suffering in the future, as well as navigate it bravely when it does. Nor is he indifferent to what is happening. In fact, He is calling us now perhaps more than at any other time in our lives to return to Him and His love, to be able to pass all these tests. This is precisely why He gave His life on the cross in the first place; To give us hope even through the storm. And finally, we can express gratitude for the good things that come out of all these long-term tests, even if they may be harder to see right now. Gratitude is under the virtue of transcendence, which Jesus finally invites us all to do as we enter a relationship with him, which is also characterized by the strength of spirituality.

Unexpectedly, this ended up being quite long, perhaps indicating the importance of answering this question posed by Jesus “Who do you say that I am?” And for me, He is the Christ. He is “the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14: 6). I’m not sure what I would do without Him, especially in these times. I thank you all for taking the time to read these reflections and I also welcome yours. I hope you are doing well and God bless you!

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