Have you ever felt like your brain is too full? Does it seem like things are getting into the gears in your mind? Your head may be messed up, and it may be time for a spring cleaning! Today, we will look at simple ways that you can clear your mind.
The brain is a powerful thing that is always trying to learn. It’s about collecting as much information and data as possible to help you find success and live an efficient life. But sometimes, too much is logged there, including things that you shouldn’t be holding onto.
What can you do about it? How can you free up some space so that you can run again at the best performance? Here’s how experts suggest 5 powerful ways to clear your mind.
1. Learn the difference between reflection and rumination
Reflection is crucial to solving problems., find self-improvement and learn from the past. All of these are crucial to clearing your mind. It requires you to put some effort and thought into growing up and considering your past and how it has affected you. Here are some steps for reflection that are positive and a sign of good order:
- Get away from an emotional situation and be with your thoughts at peace
- Identify emotions, situations and triggers for certain feelings and behaviors.
- Listen to your inner voice and encourage it to come forward so that you can be true to your heart.
- Taking note of the steps you can take to get better results in the future
- Take action and apply the steps you have decided, sometimes with clear goals in mind
However, there is a more negative form of this behavior that can arise and it is easy to get confused. It is called rumination, which has been related in studies to disorders such as anxiety and depression.
Here are some signs that you are ruminating, not pondering:
- You guess every thought you have or every decision you have made.
- Repeat or revise the same problem over and over with no progress
- You keep imagining exaggerated or catastrophic situations or results.
According to a psychotherapist, licensed clinical social worker, and mental strength expert Amy morin, the act of ruminating will get you nowhere. But if you really need it, he recommends setting aside a specific amount of time per day for rumination, such as 10-15 minutes. During this period, you are free to be as negative as you want, but once the time is up, all of that should stop immediately. It’s a great way to regulate your worst thoughts without letting them control you!
2. Write in a journal to order your mind
Keep a diary It is a wonderful way to get rid of the clutter that fills your thoughts and clouds your head. Sorting expert and trainer Yvette Bowlin finds the whole act of journaling beneficial, no matter how difficult it may be for you at first. This is because:
- When you try to think about what to write, you are reminiscing about your day and reflecting on it subconsciously.
- It trains you to observe situations from a third-person perspective, as if you were a reader and not the person involved, allowing you to get a more rational view.
- You get to express your most difficult emotions, often unraveling them as you write or at least unleashing them in a positive way.
- It can give you a place to put all the noise that occurs in your mind, thus helping you to tidy up your brain and find peace.
- It can be relaxing when it becomes part of the daily routine; Think of journaling as a way to relax
It’s not just pseudoscience either. The act of journaling has been found to stimulate positive thinking, facilitates healing, improves general mood and emotional response, and even boosts immunity! Lead study author and psychologist James W. Pennebaker, Ph.D., says that the most effective form of expressive writing uses more emotion and engages in an analysis of the causes and triggers of events and feelings. Try applying that to your daily work!
3. Daydream
Many people consider daydreaming to be inherently negative. But this resting state for the brain doesn’t actually turn off your entire mind. In fact, it leaves many parts up and running, often in more positive ways you can when you are busy.
Many people benefit from having time to process information rather than being forced to quickly assimilate it and move on to the next thing. This is especially true in children, but even adults can benefit. You will be less stressed and more motivated if you have the time to trust your understanding of a topic.
But where does daydreaming come from? Well, it is an inward focused action that allows you to rest your mind while continuing the fun and relaxing activity. This keeps the brain rested enough to process information, but active enough to fuel creativity and keep it engaged.
Are you too focused on external rewards?
Psychological scientist and professor of neuroscience and psychology. Mary Helen Immordino-Yang He claims that the excessive focus on the external, especially in education, is misplaced. She posits that few are taught to look inward enough, and focusing inward is important for things like:
- Self awareness
- Building and forming memories
- Apply the information learned
- Creating meaning from learning
- Reaching new contexts
All of these factors are necessary when you clear your mind, so daydream all you want!
4. Be open about your emotions and express them freely.
Emotional suppression is a common cause of mental confusion. Suppressing your emotions makes them persist. You may think that you are just discarding them, but in reality, you are allowing them to accumulate, and over time, that generates a lot of thought accumulation. In fact, this can be so bad for you that studies I have found that it can affect your mental, physical and general health!
But why does this happen? Well, your brain is making an effort to get rid of the emotion, which is not possible, and rejects it while putting on a face that is contrary to what it feels. This will quickly wear you out, no matter who you are hiding your real thoughts from. Here are some examples of subtle emotional repression that you might not even notice:
- Feel the pressure to be positive and bright with everyone around you, no matter how bad you feel.
- Hiding negative feelings for fear of being labeled sensitive, overly emotional, or attention seeking
- Talk to neighbors to be polite when in reality you are exhausted and want to go home
- Being dishonest with people to avoid difficult conversations.
But how can you stop suppressing your emotions when you have been conditioned for so long to suppress them?
Here are some ideas on how you can kindly express your feelings:
- Don’t expect to be perfect or happy; This is dishonest about the human condition and does not allow you to express your emotions.
- Be honest and open about your interests and hobbies (within appropriate limits) rather than feeling embarrassed or ashamed of them.
- Politely apologize for conversations and situations in which you are too tired to be a part or in which you have no interest in participating.
- Be honest with yourself and be willing to face difficult topics and reflect on them.
- Communicate your need to rest and defend yourself when accused of laziness; all human beings need time to recover.
- Replace negative thought patterns that make you think that you are forced to do certain crucial tasks with more positive ones so that you really start wanting to complete them
- Proclaim emotions out loud when appropriate instead of hiding them.
- Communicate your problems with someone’s actions or behavior as soon as possible
- Find new sources of inspiration that are more true to what you believe and want.
- When you cannot directly confront a person for practical or safety reasons, write them an angry “letter” (which you will not send) to quickly express all your feelings.
5. Order your mind by being decisive
Being decisive is about knowing when it’s time to stop procrastinating. It means learning to trust your rationality and problem-solving skills so that you can make decisions without spending too much time mulling over it.
According to Scott Roewer, a professional organizer, Clutter can often be best defined as a series of delayed decisions. It sounds a bit silly, but think about it. All the things that clog your brain are things you need to address. They are things that require action and choice. Until you make those decisions, the obstruction remains!
One of the common decision-making methods is the WRAP method, coined by the Heath brothers years ago. According to a therapist, certified trainer, certified physician and Karyn Hall, Ph.D., owner of the Center for Dialectical Behavior Therapy, this system can be helpful in making positive decisions quickly. Learning this method can help you tidy up your current brain and prevent it from piling up in the future.
Here are some tips adapted from this method:
- Expand your perspective first; Ask other people for opinions and accept constructive feedback.
- Try to think about finding solutions from multiple different angles at the same time
- Consider new perspectives; Think of opposite solutions on your spectrum, listen to some people you disagree with, consider their points, and consider things from external and internal perspectives.
- Think about what must be true for your solution to work; Is there something you’re taking for granted that you shouldn’t assume will be a long-term factor?
- If possible, take it easy and small; Don’t jump into new ideas unless you have no other choice.
- Think about the longevity of this solution; Will it hold tomorrow, in a month, in a year, or in a decade?
- Sleep on tough decisions if possible so that you wake up with a fresher and clearer mind to think about your choices.
- Keep your main goals in sight; don’t forget to respect the very core of your values, dreams, and priorities when making decisions.
- Be prepared to be completely wrong; You cannot guess the outcome of all situations, so you need to be prepared for the possibility that you have made the wrong decision in order to react to a negative outcome effectively.
Final thoughts on some powerful ways to clear your mind
A cluttered mind can dampen your motivation, reduce productivity, and affect your ability to think positively. This is why it is important to make sure to tidy up your brain from time to time. Nothing works well when it’s slow due to dust and dirt!
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