Read what your sign’s 2021 horoscope predictions have in store for you or check out the Aries personality profile.
Welcome to July, Aries! Last month, Jupiter retrograde revealed secrets, including your own. If you were dragging out a relationship that didn’t really interest you, the stars may have helped you put an end to it. You deserve a love worthy of better fireworks than on the 4th of July. When your ruling planet, warrior Mars, opposes strict Saturn in Aquarius on Thursday, July 1, you’re likely to feel impulsive. Make sure to use your signature firepower for good. It’s OK to (kindly!) put an end to a romantic relationship that isn’t working and is taking up valuable time, but make sure to think before cutting valuable friends out of your life for petty reason.
Take a break from drama, log off social media, and bathe in self-care during the new moon in Cancer on Friday, July 9. Nurture your inner homebody by indulging in a television marathon, masturbating, and enjoying a delicious dinner. If you’re partnered, feel free to invite your lover to join you. On Sunday, July 11, messenger Mercury also enters caring Cancer. You’re good at being direct and asking for what you want, but these traits can make you appear harsh at times. This loving transit helps you get in touch with your emotions — and then express them to others. A little vulnerability is good for you, dear Aries.
On Thursday, July 15, a comet known as Chiron, the wounded healer, enters your sign. This transit pushes you to face your trauma. If you don’t already have a therapist, consider starting to work with one if it’s feasible for you. It’s tough to talk about our inner pain, but the healing process is beautiful, and you deserve to feel your best. On Wednesday, July 21, Venus, the planet of romance, enters detail-oriented Virgo and your 6th House of Health. This transit could cause you to feel extra anxious about your love life (even when there’s nothing to worry about, but as you know, anxiety is not always rational). Having a solid plan in place that helps you cope with mental health issues that may arise will help you confront fears before they affect your relationship.
Bold Leo, your fire sign sister, starts its season on Thursday, July 22. Expect a cosmic mood boost. You’re ready to wear some glitter, put on your favorite outfit, and go out dancing. Can you believe we’re finaly starting to socialize again? Your assignment during Leo season is to (safely) enjoy life to the fullest. You’ve earned it. The full moon in eccentric Aquarius on Friday, July 23 lights up the friendship sector of your chart, so plan a wild night out. Yes, dramatic Aries, you can indulge in some harmless gossip!
You’re in full power mode when communication planet Mercury leaves Cancer and enters bossy Leo on Tuesday, July 27. Use this energy to ask for the raise you deserve and try something new in bed. People are feeling bold and ready to give you what you want, as long as you’re bold enough to ask for it. When your ruling planet, warrior Mars, enters perfectionist Virgo on Thursday, July 29, your passion and attention to detail will impress those around you. Remember to have fun this month and see you in August!
You’ll be making connections this month. For kissable lips that shine like the stars this Leo season: Tower 28 ShineOn Milky Lip Jelly Gloss, $14 (Shop Now)
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