Read what your sign’s 2021 horoscope predictions have in store for you or check out the Aries personality profile.
Welcome to August, Aries! At the end of July, you felt confident enough to set boundaries and state your needs in your professional and personal life. Perhaps you asked for a raise or told a lover that you are ready to be official. During the new moon in Leo on Sunday, August 8, you start to see the change you desire. Expect to enter a new stage of a relationship or level up at work.
The stars indicate that this leveling up may mean more money coming your way. On Wednesday, August 11, communication planet Mercury enters detail-oriented Virgo, turning your attention to your personal finances. Invoices may finally be paid out, or perhaps you’ll discover a new way to make income. Make sure to read the fine print of any contracts, and remember that you deserve abundance.
When Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and abundance enters romantic Libra on Monday, August 16, your love life takes front and center stage. Be careful of focusing on the negatives, Aries. When you’re waiting for someone to hurt you, everything can feel like a disappointment. Use grounding tools such as meditation to stay in the present and notice all the ways your crush or lover supports you and makes you feel good.
The eccentric planet Uranus goes retrograde on Thursday, August 19, in reliable Taurus. It will be retrograde until Friday, January 14. During this time, you are asked to look at fresh perspectives. In particular, your life will flow easier if you can stop assuming the worst in everyone. You are popular, pretty Aries; your friends and lovers adore you. Following the themes above, use this time to make an effort to focus on the positive. Once you do, life will seem grander, even if it’s really always been that way!
A full moon in independent Aquarius lights up the sky on Sunday, August 22, and brings friendship front and center of your social life. Remember, Aries, our friends are there for us through breakups, new relationships, and offer the support we often seek from romantic partnerships. This doesn’t mean that you can’t date right now, but you should take a moment to pause and realize that friends tend to be our true backbone, more than anyone you met on Tinder. Use this night to hang out with friends and let them know how much they mean to you.
On this same date, responsible Virgo season begins on Sunday, August 22. Everyone knows that Virgo is a perfectionist, but it’s also a very kinky sign. You’re the first sign of the zodiac, Aries, and as a result, love to go first and be in the spotlight. Virgo season is the perfect time to explore new things in bed (such as role-playing) that give you the excitement you crave from life. When messenger Mercury enters horny Libra on Monday, August 30, you have the confidence to ask for what you want, whether that’s telling your partner about a fantasy or trying a new sex toy on your own. Enjoy and see you in September!
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