8 Benefits of Hemp Milk Never to Overlook


Do you have hemp milk?

For at least 10,000 years, humans have consumed cow’s milk. According to an article published by Farm, the first humans also extracted milk from sheep, goats, horses, camels and yaks. Now, people have the option of enjoying various plant-based products that do not contain animals, such as hemp milk.

In contrast, most dairy products in the United States come from cows. The dairy industry moved from home delivery to supermarket shelves. In the past, most of these products were from cows or occasional goat products.

Now, you will find a wide range of dairy products to suit your tastes and needs. While you probably won’t see yak butter or camel milk, you are sure to find delicious goat and sheep dairy.

Brief history of the consumption of animal milk

In his article published for the BBC, Michael Marshall explains the irony of humans consuming animal milk. While anthropologists and historians don’t know how ancient humans came up with the idea, it stands to reason that they have observed that mammalian mothers breastfeed their young.

Therefore, they may have assumed that animal milk would be good for them too. Marshall states that adult humans began drinking milk before it was biologically feasible for them. As babies are weaned, their bodies stop producing lactase, an enzyme that allows them to digest the lactic acid in breast milk.

Ancient adult bodies did not produce lactase, so they would have struggled with digestion problems after drinking animal milk. Fortunately, explains Marshall, evolution kicked in and most adult humans retained the ability to produce lactase.

It wasn’t long until our ancestors discovered how to make butter and fermented products like cheese, yogurt, and kefir. Dairy products became a staple for households around the world. When new mothers were unable to breastfeed or their babies were not satisfied with breast milk, cow’s milk became the ideal substitute.

Babies who couldn’t tolerate the traditional type were often introduced to goat’s milk, which can be easier to digest.

Will hemp milk do the body good?

Yes, milk and other dairy products are loaded with beneficial vitamins and minerals. Guidelines published by the USDA state that dairy is a rich source of calcium, vitamin D, vitamin A, magnesium, and protein. It helps build strong bones and teeth and reduces brittle bone disease and osteoporosis in older people.

What do you do if your body can’t tolerate milk? At least 30 to 50 million people in the United States are lactose intolerant, says an article published by the National Institutes of Health. This intolerance can vary by ethnicity, with Caucasians being the shortest at 2 percent and Native Americans the highest at 80 percent.

You can have one of four types of lactose intolerance, the article states. The most common form is primary lactose intolerance, which is sudden onset without gastric disease. If you are intolerant due to gastric disease, it is called secondary.

The third type, congenital lactose intolerance, is rare and is a total inability to produce lactase.

Plant-based milk

Perhaps you are lactose intolerant or do not consume dairy products for ethical reasons. Does that mean the end of all delicious and healthy dairy for you? The good news is that the plant world offers a tasty alternative to milk.

Plant-based milk goes beyond the commonly recognized soy varieties. It has been a popular ingredient for infant formula for years. Soy milk has also been a staple in health food stores.

However, alternatives to plant-based milk are not a recent discovery. An article published by YES T Mention the non-dairy alternative milk of coconut, almonds, rice, oatmeal, and peanuts. One of the first the article discusses is coconut milk, which dates back to ancient India and China. Currently, about 9.3 percent of milk consumption in the US is plant-based.

Although experts aren’t sure when humans started growing and using hemp, they know that it dates back to ancient times. An article published by WITH says the use of hemp for textiles, medicine and food possibly dates back to 8,000 BC. C. in Mesopotamia. Ancient Chinese medicine included hemp fiber.

Hemp vs. marijuana

If you are looking to “get high” from drinking hemp milk, you will be disappointed. Although hemp and marijuana are the same plant species, hemp does not have the hallucinogenic properties that its sister, the herb, does. You also don’t have to worry about your hemp milk consumption showing up on a drug test.

Hemp: Cannabis sativa

An article published by Matt Shipman of the University of North Carolina explains the crucial difference between these plants. They are both cannabis but have different levels of THC, the compound that produces an effect. Cannabis sativa is hemp and its fibers are used for textiles. It has less than .3 percent THC.

Marijuana: Cannabis Indicus

Cannabis Indicus, the classic marijuana plant, has mild to high THC doses and is used recreationally or medicinally. It is regulated by local and federal laws. According to an article published by NCSL, hemp is now a USDA regulated agricultural product.

Hemp seed milk production

Hemp milk, also called hemp seed milk, is made by simply soaking the seeds in water and pulverizing them. Like other plant-based milks, it has a creamy consistency that makes it an ideal dairy substitute. Plus, fans love the sweet, nutty flavor it brings to their dishes or on its own.

You can make your own hemp milk at home, or you can find it in specialty stores or online. While some brands have added flavors and sweeteners, many prefer it without frills. Unopened, it can last in your refrigerator for up to a month (sealed) or seven to ten days after opening.

Another positive aspect of using hemp seed milk is its versatility. Today’s market has delicious non-dairy options like cream, cheese, and even ice cream made with hemp seed milk. It may be a bit more expensive than other plant-based milks, but it’s still affordable for just about any budget.

Eight possible benefits of consuming hemp milk

Although many people sing praises of hemp seed milk, scientists continue to research and confirm the benefits. They can say with certainty that it will not cause you discomfort and that it is safe for most adults, children, and pregnant or nursing mothers. Here are eight possible benefits you can receive from consuming milk made from hemp seeds.

1. It can be heart healthy

You have probably read about the health benefits of omega-3 acids. Fortunately, investigation reveals that hemp seed milk is a delicious source of this essential acid and can improve your heart health. It can be part of your prescribed plan of a healthy diet and exercise routine.

2. It can reduce inflammation

One of the ways you can gradually develop disease is through chronic inflammation in your body. When you consume hemp seed milk, you get a vital dose of omega fatty acids like linoleic and alpha-linoleic. Studies show that both acids act as anti-inflammatories and can reduce the risk of certain skin irritations and diseases.

3. It is ideal if you have allergies

Are you allergic to nuts, soy or gluten? If so, you can’t use most of the popular plant-based milk. However, you have a new alternative to try: creamy hemp seed milk without a problem.

4. It’s great if you are lactose intolerant

If you miss the creamy deliciousness of cow’s milk because you’re lactose intolerant, hemp seed milk may be your answer. It is naturally lactose free and can be used in many recipes that call for traditional milk.

5. Hemp seed milk has complete proteins

Perhaps you are one of the many people in America who follow a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle. Next, you’ll need to replace the animal-based protein with plant-based protein. According to a chart published by Nutritional value, three tablespoons of hemp seeds contain 9.5 grams of complete protein, which means that it also contains essential amino acids.

6. It can benefit your skin

The same essential fatty acids in hemp seed milk that are anti-inflammatory can also benefit your skin. Some skin disorders, such as eczema, are caused by inflammation. If you enjoy a cold glass of this natural non-dairy milk, you can reduce inflammation and have a healthier and more radiant complexion.

7. Improve your brain health

Your brain needs optimal nutrition, just like the rest of the organs in your body. Amino acids they are great for a healthy brain, according to science. Consuming these and other brain-stimulating nutrients can reduce the risk of neurological disorders.

8. Low in calories

Another possible benefit of this tasty plant-based milk is that it has less calories than cow’s milk. It is also lower in carbohydrates, which means it can be helpful on a low-carb diet plan. Hemp seed milk is one of the few types of plant-based milks that combine the benefits of protein and essential fatty acids.

Final thoughts on consuming hemp milk

Replacing cow’s milk with hemp seed milk may be a smart choice, either for lactose intolerance or ethical reasons. Plus, you’ll be pleasantly surprised when you taste its creamy goodness. When you consider the potential benefits and delicious taste, you may not miss out on cow’s milk at all.



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