Learning to stay in shape throughout each decade of life is key to longevity, without a doubt.
How many times have you heard that age is just a number, or perhaps the adage that you are as old as you feel? While these are positive and empowering statements, you still need to balance your training level with your age.
Whether you’ve always been in good shape or are a newbie, your body can last longer if you stay in shape. It is never too late to find an exercise regimen that suits your needs. As you get older, these needs will change.
Let’s be honest; You are probably not as strong and agile at 40 as you are 20. Your mind may be thinking that you haven’t changed, but your body is telling you a different story. Physical fitness is essential throughout your life and must evolve with you.
An article published by the US Department of Health and Human Services. explore the aspects of living longer. Research suggests that, along with a healthy diet and lifestyle, exercising regularly can prolong your life. Even when your body changes, your muscles weaken and your joints ache, but exercise can help you stay fit into your golden years, according to the article.
Ten habits to stay fit at any age
We are all different and have health conditions and diverse abilities that require modifications in exercise. Before starting a new exercise routine, talk to your healthcare provider or a certified fitness instructor. Consider these essential steps to stay in shape after forty.
1. Start with stretching
No matter what time of day you exercise, your body needs preparation. According to an article published by the Harvard Medical School, stretching helps your muscles stay flexible, strong, and healthy. When you stretch before and after your workout, you have a lower risk of muscle strain and torn tendons.
2. Heat
Your muscles need a gradual warm-up before doing any strength training or lifting. After stretching, try a few minutes on a bike or elliptical. These will gently stretch the muscles and prepare them for a good workout.
3. Know your limits
Your amazing body instinctively knows what is best for it and will “speak” to you if you listen. Instead of a voice, it will speak to you with a trigger such as muscle and joint pain that lasts longer than two days. If you are doing an exercise that is doing more harm than good, listen to your body and make modifications.
4. Machines are your friends
Do you enjoy lifting weights? It is an effective way to strengthen the muscles and the inner core. However, even the strongest athletes and weightlifters gradually lose muscle tone with aging. Consider using weight machines to get the workout you want with less risk of injury.
5. Work with a trainer
It is invaluable to work with a trainer who is well versed in safe and appropriate exercises for your weight and body type.
6. Set realistic expectations
You can’t exercise like you did when you were 20, so don’t push yourself to the point of injury.
7. Stay hydrated
It’s easier for older people dehydrateso be sure to drink plenty of water to avoid problems.
8. Maintain a good attitude by staying positive.
It is not easy to start a new exercise routine and it can be quite painful at first. However, staying positive will help you keep going.
9. Get medical approval
If you have medical conditions, you should speak with your doctor for approval or recommendations before starting.
10. Set small, achievable goals
It would be helpful if you kept to your own pace. It is good to have a list so that you can see the goals that you have achieved. Don’t be defeated by what you used to do; instead, set your goals for your current age and health situation.
Here are some great exercise tips, decade by decade.
Keeping your body strong and healthy doesn’t end once you turn forty. Even if you can’t do everything you could as a teenager and in your twenties or thirties, you can stay in shape with personalized training. Here are some helpful fitness guidelines to consider for each decade.
• Your 40
Many people fear reaching their 40s because they are said to be reaching “middle age” or “going over the hill.” However, once you hit the big 4-0, you might be surprised at how good it feels. Perhaps there are still things that you can do as well as you could in your 20s and 30s.
In her 1940s, her life is surrounded by her family and her career. It is usually a time when you feel most comfortable in your routine, even when faced with unforeseen obstacles. You may be short on time, but you can find ways to plan your exercise routines.
As much as you hate to admit it, this is the age when the “little aches and pains” are most noticeable. Your skin begins to lose some of its elasticity and it is often more difficult to lose weight. Your future fitness level may depend on what you set now.
Are you having a harder time sticking to a regular workout schedule during this hectic time in your life? Even if you can’t have an exercise routine every day, walking can help. Using stairs at work to walk briskly during breaks can keep your muscles toned and can burn calories.
By age 40, most people have less muscle elasticity and joint stiffness. Yoga is an ideal exercise that combines mindful breathing with gentle stretching and body postures. Use it as a warm-up or as a complete routine to strengthen and tone your body.
If you are doing cardio and strength training, you might consider adding cycling or other high intensity exercise. Adding it to your workout can help keep your muscles stronger and give you more energy. Again, listen to your body and discuss a plan with a certified fitness instructor.
• Your 50
When you wake up on your 50th birthday, you may be tempted to sulk because you have lived for half a century. Why not consider your fifth decade as a blessing and enjoy the years to come? Now more than ever, this is a time when you physical and mental health it depends on balanced nutrition and keeping fit.
This is a time when many people develop chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and arthritis. While some situations can be inherited and unavoidable, many of the common ones can be prevented by maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
When you’re 50, consider an exercise routine that includes a challenge for your brain. Your brain needs regular mental exercises to stay healthy and alert. An article published by the Cleveland Clinic suggests that physical activities such as cycling and swimming can stimulate the production of brain cells and keep them current.
This is also an age when children move and become independent, and you have more free time. Consider taking up a fun sports hobby like golf or martial arts. These exercises require brain work and muscle power.
• Your 60
During your 60s, you will probably take your long-awaited retirement. However, that doesn’t mean you’re resigned to a rocking chair. To keep your muscles and joints healthy, you need to be active at a moderate pace.
Those minor aches and pains aren’t so small anymore. He also does not recover as quickly after exercise. Stick to an exercise plan that is best for you and try to do something physical every day.
You can continue with healthy weight training, but you should consider switching to weight machines. They are more controlled and you will not be as likely to have muscle strains or other injuries. Weight machines are also less stressful on aging joints.
Staying in shape is even more fun when you do it in a group. Try enrolling in group classes for yoga, swimming, or other fitness programs. You will meet like-minded people who will help you stay engaged and inspired.
• Your 70
Once you’ve reached your seventh decade, work by force to go after your beloved grandchildren and pets. Don’t let this number intimidate you or stop you from exercising. You may need to modify your activities due to your physical abilities, but you can still reap some health benefits.
A certified fitness instructor can help you design a resistance training plan that is best for you. It would help if you keep your joints and muscles moving so they are more flexible. Stretching exercises like yoga or tai chi are great for older people.
• Your golden 80’s and beyond
According to a vital statistics report published by the Centers for Disease Control, the average life expectancy in the United States is 77.8 years. If you’ve lived into your 80s, you’ve probably known how to lead a healthy lifestyle and how to stay in shape.
Yes, your body will have many age-related challenges, but you can still stay active. Since older people are more susceptible to Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia, keeping your mind busy is critical. Staying connected with friends and other like-minded people is also essential, so consider group exercise.
Octogenarians can have brittle bones and joints, so you should work closely with your healthcare professionals. Gentle stretching and resistance exercises can help you stay mobile and less stiff. Keep your mind sharp and solve puzzles, learn new hobbies, or even take a class on something interesting for you.
Final thoughts on how to stay fit throughout your life
If you haven’t thought about nutrition and how to stay in shape, today is the day. You are never too old to follow an exercise routine that will benefit your body and mind. The benefits can carry you from youth, middle age, and into old age. Remember age is just a number and you can feel fit and healthy in any decade of your life.