New News

I Am the Triangular Window in a Mud Hut

[ad_1] September 16, 2021– “I heard pale-skinned visitors to this refugee camp talk about windows as big as a cow and covered by glass that opens wide. Those stories sound absurd. Such windows would be completely impractical! Of course, but above all, we are designed for safety and comfort. Look at my size and shape:…

New News

Inside the Fight to Save an Ancient Forest

[ad_1] September 17, 2021– The ancient forests of the Pacific Northwest are home to giant ancient trees and many secrets that science is only beginning to understand. These forests are our best allies for climate change, as they store enormous amounts of carbon and retain water, protecting communities from droughts, floods and wildfires. But these…

New News

Between Grit and Grace | DailyGood

[ad_1] September 18, 2021– Preethi Srinivasan was the captain of the Tamil Nadu U19 women’s cricket team to the national championship in 1997, won a gold medal in swimming at the national level and was an internationally renowned student academically. At 19, an accident left her paralyzed from the neck down. What followed for the…

New News

Death Doulas Provide End of Life Aid

[ad_1] September 19, 2021– “The word ‘doula’ comes from the Greek word for ‘serving woman’, although most people associate it with someone who helps during childbirth to mark the beginning of life. However, in later years , more people have come to recognize the need for as much help at the end of life as…

New News

Wholeness, Timelessness & Unfolding Meaning

[ad_1] September 20, 2021– In this interview, conducted two years before his death, the influential physicist and philosopher David Bohm analyzes his perception of “the essential and uninterrupted totality of the universe: the timeless order that hides behind physical phenomena and the importance of the imagination to give a meaningful understanding of reality. ” (821…

New News

Response is Different From an Answer

[ad_1] August 30, 2021– “The present moment demands moral ferocity. We should not sleep well at night when we know that others are suffering. Ferocity itself, however, contains a danger. Let us not forget that some of the worst perpetrators of evil have often claimed acting in the name of good, or God, or national…

New News

Be Earth Now | DailyGood

[ad_1] August 29, 2021– “In Rainer Maria Rilkes’ seminal collection of poetry, The Book of Hours: Love Poems to God, the great 20th century poet explores the nature of God and his relationship with God through divinely received prayers. Almost twenty-five years ago , Anita Barrows, an award-winning poet and translator, and Joanna Macy, a…

New News

What Slime Knows | DailyGood

[ad_1] August 28, 2021– “Here, in this little patch of mulch in my garden, there is a creature that begins its life as a microscopic amoeba and ends it as a vibrant spot that produces spores, and all the time in between, it is a single cell that can grow As big as a bath…

New News

Of People, Plants and Place

[ad_1] August 26, 2021– “Our ancestors knew the places where they lived: every inch of land, every type of plant, every sign of life. They made use of everything. They were intimately involved with their environment, immersed in the ebb and flow of the seasons. Their attention was anchored in the here and now as…